I realized recently that although I have been reading the forums for months now, I never stopped for a moment to say thank you to you all. We all spend the time (hopefully) to introduce ourselves, but never pause to put out a general thank you to the SMF world. To all of you that have criticized, corrected, encouraged, and joked....thanks! I feel like I have moved from "ignorant noob" to "seasoned idiot with questions".
I proudly use the search function now and follow the credos of the scrapper: don't be dumb; work smart and hard; and if it seems illegal, it probably is.
Several of you have given some amazing feedback that has done nothing to benefit yourselves, you gave info freely to my benefit. To pay you back or "pay it forward" I'll contribute what I know when it fits and keep up the strong examples you all have set.
So, simply, thanks for everything, keep it positive, and make the noobs work for it...it pays off.