Originally Posted by
looks like they are going for 25 bucks and up on
ebay. i couldnt find a server complete enough to run and i dont know enough to try to build one up. I took on of the SCSI cards out and put it in my PC and it seems to be working but it wants me to format the drive so looks like i have some research to do
why not go ahead and format it, and see where it takes you? The end result with that might be just what you wanted in the first place.
If your testing machines power supply has enough hook-ups to power more drives you may be able to hook up numerous HDs at a time(by setting each SCSI drive to it's own number, usually 1-6 or 8-14 I believe it is)depending on the SCSI cable you use, but I'm not sure how many you could format/test at once. I've always just tested/formated/prepared one at a time as I needed it