About a week ago I decided to post a wanted ad on a freecycle group for my county. This group isn't very active, but I thought I would try it. 2 days later a guy contacted me via e-mail. He ask questions, like what would I take and how many. I told him whatever he had I was willing to take off his hands. He then e-mailed again asking if I would take printer's. He continued to ask in every e-mail " Are you sure you want them, there all older models" I said sure whatever you want to get rid of. SO we set a time tonight to meet. He said we can start with a small load if you want, I just said I will take whatever you have. So we meet at self storage, about 10 miles from my home. I took my father with me. So he pulls up in a van we shake hands and opens the back of his mini van, then the side doors. AFter I load he opens the stoarge unit. Just starts pulling boxes out and sliding pc's to the door. I contiue to load. I couldn't believe it. He keeps saying just say when. My vehicle was completely full. All in all. I got 17 computers, 4 laptops, 4-5 single motherboards, about 6 printers, 20 or so cd drives, 20 or so floppy drives, some home audio equiptment. Brand new computer case still in box, 15 finger boards. Much more I haven't even went thru. The kicker is there is atleast that much he still wants to get rid of. I didn't pay a cent. We are going to set up a time whenever I'm ready he said to get the rest. This guy is older and does IT. SO i guess when you least expect it big loads can drop in your lap.