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Metal can make a negative into a positive

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    Metal can make a negative into a positive

    Metal is real, it's all around us . ( for now at-least ) What I find great about metal is it's value and any trip to and from in your daily life can net you income with a little effort .I don't want to say always but WAY MORE then not I always find items . most time it's just in front of my face .
    This morning my kids were late for school and since there school is a 18 mile country drive away I was a little annoyed about the time loss and the $ 8 to $ 10 fuel mistake . You just don't want that to happen to often especially on a trash day . So I made the trip worth it with a little networking and bingo a business has a boiler at around 4000 lb for me to dismantle and a 4000 LB dry cleaner machine I could be off on the weight but for sure they are heavy I anticipate some - CU SS AL and 2 motors . I will have a lot of work in the dismantling the owner said use your judgment as to what you want to pay me as a split . I am figuring a 80% 20% or 90% 10% if It is very hard tear down . But I want to give them some thing if for any reason to set my self above other scrappers in the area
    Plumbers have always let me take for free . I also realize most members here will also charge . I am happy the kids missed the bus today - negative into a positive

    Last edited by Copper Head; 01-04-2013 at 09:58 AM.

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    If life gives you lemons just make some lemonade
    Alvord iron and salvage
    3rd generation scrapper and dam proud of it

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