End of October sold three made in Germany Bosch magnetos to a German bidder, he forgot to pick up the parcel when it arrived it came back as undeliverable. The box sat in our living room for a couple of weeks then i get an email from the buyer asking if I would re-ship the package.
He paid shipping twice cost him $140.00 a pop.
Had one guy pay for the same auction three times, I kept refunding his over payment he kept paying.
Brass garden hose nozzles sell on ebay, I usually give them a good buffing. One guy purchased one thinking of mine it was a fire hose nozzel - some people can't or don't read.
Listed a green Hudson’s Bay trappers blanket with a BIN, went for dinner and the thing had sold within the hour I was gone. Make me wonder if I undersold myself by using the buy it now option.
Found a small phamlet with a mouse chew on the corner and a big boot print on the from cover, thing sold for $300.00 becasue it had mentioned Zane Grey in it several times for record catches of Blue Marlin.
Came accross a large WWII transceiver radio thing weighed a ton, so I dismantled it selling the parts, I was astounded with the results.
Found a platinum print tucked in behind a picture backing in an old picture frame, sold for a very good price, yes ebay is good for selling the odd and hard to find.
Right now I have several old vacuum tube radios that were operated from several battery's called A and B each had a different voltage, waiting for everyone to get over X-mass spending blues and list just before tax time.
Even a dead AB battery will sell, the vintage radio enthusiasts refurbish them, often I will find a 110 volt converter an odd looking black box with a plug on it to match that of a battery. The converter allows using a battery operated radio from the mains power.
Ebay also has its welfare Wednesdays, when folks are flush with cash.
Large department stored always time a big sale to fall on days when folks are expected to have cash in hand.
AB Battery.