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  1. #21
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    End of October sold three made in Germany Bosch magnetos to a German bidder, he forgot to pick up the parcel when it arrived it came back as undeliverable. The box sat in our living room for a couple of weeks then i get an email from the buyer asking if I would re-ship the package.

    He paid shipping twice cost him $140.00 a pop.

    Had one guy pay for the same auction three times, I kept refunding his over payment he kept paying.

    Brass garden hose nozzles sell on ebay, I usually give them a good buffing. One guy purchased one thinking of mine it was a fire hose nozzel - some people can't or don't read.

    Listed a green Hudson’s Bay trappers blanket with a BIN, went for dinner and the thing had sold within the hour I was gone. Make me wonder if I undersold myself by using the buy it now option.

    Found a small phamlet with a mouse chew on the corner and a big boot print on the from cover, thing sold for $300.00 becasue it had mentioned Zane Grey in it several times for record catches of Blue Marlin.

    Came accross a large WWII transceiver radio thing weighed a ton, so I dismantled it selling the parts, I was astounded with the results.

    Found a platinum print tucked in behind a picture backing in an old picture frame, sold for a very good price, yes ebay is good for selling the odd and hard to find.

    Right now I have several old vacuum tube radios that were operated from several battery's called A and B each had a different voltage, waiting for everyone to get over X-mass spending blues and list just before tax time.

    Even a dead AB battery will sell, the vintage radio enthusiasts refurbish them, often I will find a 110 volt converter an odd looking black box with a plug on it to match that of a battery. The converter allows using a battery operated radio from the mains power.

    Ebay also has its welfare Wednesdays, when folks are flush with cash.

    Large department stored always time a big sale to fall on days when folks are expected to have cash in hand.

    AB Battery.

    Last edited by gustavus; 01-06-2013 at 02:46 PM.

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  3. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by shendog View Post
    Personally, I find eBay to be a great outlet for the odd and unusual (like the item Gus showed). I think old, rare, unusual, discontinued and other hard to find items are best sold on eBay. I have not had much luck with items that are fairly common and in high demand, but if you can make a living out of selling those things more power to you. It would come down to volume and percentages, as PTS described. Ebay has its problems, but compared to other options it isnt so bad. I wish all my transactions on ebay and elsewhere were as easy as going to the scrap yard (bring in a pound of copper and walk out with cash), but that isnt reality. Good luck to you with it.

    It can be addicting too, specially if you start out strong, you're hooked
    My first sale there was an experiment in more ways than one, firstly attempting to find a suitable camera for clean, clear shots. Of the first few cameras I tried, I only acquired one decent photo, the wooden face of an old sewing cabinet drawer, which became my first listing.
    I'd bought this drawer, filled with old cabinet knobs at a yard sale for a buck. The drawer alone sold for $15 plus shipping. I was hooked yep, and proceeded to list, and sell, worldwide, each and every cabinet door/drawer pull/knob. If my memory serves me anywhere near correctly, I believe I made about $50 on it all, shipping some as far away as Thailand

  4. #23
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Here's a funny one, counterfeit sports cards, under another account I have proxy bid $20,000.00 the guy who's auction it was shilled me to my limit.

    He emailed me asking me to remove my bid, I told him since he figured out how to shill my bid it was up to him to remove my bids. True story.

    Another, one time you could also raise the price on your auction, I had an old chainsaw a two man Mercury with an 8 ft bar listed with a $250.00 starting bid. I wasn’t getting any action so I upped the price to $500.00 then shorted the auction time down to where there was 24 hours left.

    What I did not know is that i had a sniper using auction bid software hiding in the weeds, one closing bid - $500.00.

    It did not take ebay long to remedy that problem, yes big brother is watching, I may have personally been responsible for some of the changes made to ebay.

    Not necessarily changes for the better.

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  6. #24
    jghilino's Avatar
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    like 13hrs before the end bid retractions?
    I buy and sell all types of scrap and escrap. I buy specialty and hard to sell escrap. I buy resale items. PM me or contact me at

  7. #25
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Personaly I love ebay. Do I think the fees are a little hi? Sometimes specialy when your selling big ticket items. For the most part though if you do your auctions right the buyer will pay for shipping and the fees. It really depends on how the buyers search for there auctions. When im looking to buy something I always look for buy it knows and then price plus shipping lowist first. Therefor it doesnt matter if your offering free shipping or charging for it. It will show me the lowist option. Now if im looking for scrap or resellable stuff I use all different types of search stuff. I had well over 1000 transactions on ebay last year alone and thats buying and selling. Just today I was looking for a K cup holder for the coffee maker i got for christmas. Cheapist I could find was at target for $21.99. Target is about 8 miles away from my house. So after tax gas and time to go to the store to buy it I would have spent over $25 to go buy it from the store. Got on ebay and found the exact same thing as target has for $22.99 with free shipping. So I saved a couple bucks and it will be delivered to my door in a couple days.

  8. #26
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Here's a funny one, counterfeit sports cards, under another account I have proxy bid $20,000.00 the guy who's auction it was shilled me to my limit.

    He emailed me asking me to remove my bid, I told him since he figured out how to shill my bid it was up to him to remove my bids. True story.

    Another, one time you could also raise the price on your auction, I had an old chainsaw a two man Mercury with an 8 ft bar listed with a $250.00 starting bid. I wasn’t getting any action so I upped the price to $500.00 then shorted the auction time down to where there was 24 hours left.

    What I did not know is that i had a sniper using auction bid software hiding in the weeds, one closing bid - $500.00. It did not take ebay long to remedy that problem, yes big brother is watching, I may have personally been responsible for some of the changes made to ebay.

    Not necessarily changes for the better.

    Monster two man chainsaw, same as the one I sold. Too bad the guy does not know how to sharpen his chain.

  9. #27
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    Here's a funny one, counterfeit sports cards, under another account I have proxy bid $20,000.00 the guy who's auction it was shilled me to my limit.

    He emailed me asking me to remove my bid, I told him since he figured out how to shill my bid it was up to him to remove my bids. True story.

    Another, one time you could also raise the price on your auction, I had an old chainsaw a two man Mercury with an 8 ft bar listed with a $250.00 starting bid. I wasn’t getting any action so I upped the price to $500.00 then shorted the auction time down to where there was 24 hours left.

    What I did not know is that i had a sniper using auction bid software hiding in the weeds, one closing bid - $500.00.

    It did not take ebay long to remedy that problem, yes big brother is watching, I may have personally been responsible for some of the changes made to ebay.

    Not necessarily changes for the better.
    I had something like this happen to me on ebay once too gus. I had someone out used a program to bid on my auction then sniped it out from another buyer. Long story short he said he forgot that he had put my auction into his sniping program and had baught another auction. I opened up a case with ebay and they came to the conclusion his account had been hacked. This even after he emailed me threw ebay that he didnt mean to bid on it. sometime you win sometime you loose.

  10. #28
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    with half a billion people on e bay from probably 200 countrys you have to expect just about any thing and every thing.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 01-06-2013 at 01:27 PM.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  12. #29
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    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  13. #30
    jghilino's Avatar
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    good point bear its better to drop it like everything else in this world, because everyone is sue happy and no one wants to stand up for anything, its a wonderful world we live in indeed, i retract what i said earlier, because my 2nd amendment rights dont apply here apparently, so its not worth arguing about

  14. #31
    jghilino's Avatar
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    i am still seeing shilling on ebay, its all done with low feedback accounts, and that feedback is generated by shillers bidding on other shillers low value items to generate fake feedback, its still rampant in online auctions

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  16. #32
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    If I catch a bid retraction the bidder gets added to my do not bid list.

    I keep all my pertinent ebay links bookmarked for quick and easy access.

    Last edited by gustavus; 01-06-2013 at 02:27 PM.

  17. #33
    jghilino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    If I catch a bid retraction the bidder gets added to my do not bid list.

    I keep all my pertinent ebay links bookmarked for quick and easy access.
    The problem is you cant do that anymore because it censors out the bidders names, and without knowing the user ids you cant see what theyve bid on or what sellers they are shilling with. I liked ebay alot better when the bidders names wernt censored and you could pull there bid history to find out if they were a shiller.

    The seller gets the info but the other bidders dont have access to it so whats the point if all you can do is protect yourself without the ability to inform the community. Another one-sided ebay policy just like there new feedback system.
    Last edited by jghilino; 01-06-2013 at 02:33 PM.

  18. #34
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    I once sold a model of the dropship from the movie "Aliens.". It was in my basement for years, I realized I was never going to build it so I listed on eBay. I had no idea it was an out of production collector's item. I think I started it for 9.99 and it sold upwards of $200.00! Color me startled, but happy!

    And yeah, jg, eBay lost me when they went to one-sided feedback.
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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  19. #35
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    Parrot that depends on where you live. Scrap master J sends me large flat rate boxes of copper from alaska and I take them to the yard for him and paypal him the money. I take $10 a box for my time and trouble and he makes double what the yard will pay him for it. I have done this with brass for him as well. If his yard is only paying $1.50 a pound because hes way up north and no other yard around he can definitly make more selling it on ebay. I think my mail lady is starting to hate me. Shes is all of 125 pounds and when some of these boxes come in she back her truck up to my door so she can just flop the boxes out of the back
    But no matter where you are, 4 pounds would not cover the postage.
    "64K should be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates 1981

  20. #36
    jghilino's Avatar
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    I use the black list or blocked bidder list as they call it, and it helps alot. But again whats the point because new shillers and npb's are coming up all the time, also alternate ids. Ebay does nothing to police itself. Every change that it has made to improve itself has made it worse.

  21. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurlyGuys View Post
    Um, eBay not the evil entity people say it is? Yes, it is. Strongly disagree with you here.

    And my local auction house charges me 25%. This place is an hour drive from me, so I only go when I have a truckload.
    Home // RJM Auctions
    25% is way more than I get charged from E-bay and paypal combined. Plus I will get a higher price there than at a local auction based on the number of people that see it. This goes out the window for large items though.

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  23. #38
    jghilino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by parrothead View Post
    25% is way more than I get charged from E-bay and paypal combined. Plus I will get a higher price there than at a local auction based on the number of people that see it. This goes out the window for large items though.
    i secont that, the fees combined are under 15% and the exposure to alot more of a buyer pool greatly exceeds a local auction house, but again they are doing all the work and there time is worth somthing so i see that side of it also

  24. #39
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    If I start up with eBay again, it will be for small items like auto taillight lenses. The extra percentage I pay to the auction house if figure is worth it as I don't have to spend the time taking pictures, etc. they do all that. The other advantage is this kind of auction is as is where is. There's no buyers remorse later to deal with.

    Finally, this local auction house is online and lasts a week, with all opening bids starting at a buck. While there is no national audience, there is all of SE Michigan and northern Ohio bidders.

    One other advantage that is unique to me: I'm sure no one else here is a procrastinator, but since I don't LIKE doing what is necessary for eBay stuff may sit for months before I get around to listing it. This way I just throw t all in the truck and take it in, much like making a scrap run.

  25. #40
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    eBay is just fine, but you have to learn what is worth playing with on there, and what isn't. Personally, we made between 10-15k last year in profit from eBay with automobile parts. That said, it took us a very long time to learn what to buy, where to buy it from, and how much to sell it for on eBay. We are a "Top Rated Seller", so that helps cut down on the fees.

    The other thing to keep in mind is that markets change very quickly. What's hot today is a turd tomorrow, and if someone catches on to your hot market, be prepared for fierce competition.

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