Originally Posted by
E-bay is NOT the evil entity that some will have you believe.
That could certainly be debated Parrot ; ) There are precious few organizations one can google search, adding only their name and any one of a number of choice cuss words, and find not only a post or two containing these keywords, but whole websites named using them, and not only websites named using them, but websites named using them which are filled with posts containing them. I for one, do not believe all those websites and the posts they contain to be totally without merit
But, as you also said, Ebay has the traffic, 75% of which are buyers, and too many of those are also there to scam, and are in many ways protected and even encouraged by Ebay policies. It's a lot like walking down the street in a mixed neighborhood of good folks and bad, as long as you stay completely alert and keep your guard up, you stand a chance of getting through it unscathed, because the ones looking to scam are actively searching for the weak, the unprotected, the vulnerable, the unaware, the ones they can easily take