I'd like to pose a question ?
So far I have sold items on e-bay
I have tried to sell items below cost with my reward being I lost Money
& also I sold items at current value that is really not so great when you get all the fee's tabulated against your Pay Pal,The bottom line I never get the good BID wars for my stuff . Does any one think that MANY of the bid wars on
Ebay are with the help of Shills (
A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps a person or organization without disclosing that he has a close relationship ) I feel if I put a silver round on EBay for a start bid of $1 - -
I would lose compared to all the others that boldly put items out @ $1 start . I know I put 4 lbs copper on for $1.50 ( extra for shipping ) and sold it for $1.50 Big deal I am not a fool I feel some thing is up and it has a the look of a Shill.