Originally Posted by
Copper Head
I'd like to pose a question ?
So far I have sold items on e-bay I have tried to sell items below cost with my reward being I lost Money & also I sold items at current value that is really not so great when you get all the fee's tabulated against your Pay Pal,The bottom line I never get the good BID wars for my stuff . Does any one think that MANY of the bid wars on
Ebay are with the help of Shills...
To the opening question, I would answer that SOME of the bid wars on Feebay are with the help of shills -- I experienced this about 7-8 years ago, I kept bidding on skis from a seller who owned a shop in Colorado and kept losing to the same buyer. The buyer had good feedback, but it was only from that one seller. The buyer "bought" something like 80 pairs of skis from the seller. I made a stink, and Feebay shut down the seller.
Mostly I trade in vintage brochures and other paper collectibles, postcards, vintage ski patches, and I haven't noticed any shill bidding in those areas. One guy I thought might be a shill bidder until he bought a rather pricey item from me. Another guy I kept butting heads with as a buyer turned out to be a friend of mine. Small world.
I dislike Feebay, but continue to use it. I've only sold one item (that I can think of) that I picked up scrapping.