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Good curb-finds, lately.

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  1. #1
    Wolfwerx is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Good curb-finds, lately.

    My curb routes have been really weird lately. Not much quantity to speak of, but when I do find something, it's been really good. I can't tell if I'm just getting beat to the big stuff and just getting lucky with the stuff I do find, or if people haven't been throwing much stuff out.

    Some of my recent good fortune:

    -3 computer towers in the past two weeks. Prior to that, I think I've only found few computers in the previous 4 or 5 months since I've started scrap. I'm sure this is related to people getting new computers for Christmas. (weird thing about a computer I just found last night- it had obviously been opened up there on the curb and it looked like somebody was trying to rip out the modem without unscrewing the backplate first- it was twisted but still in there. The memory and the harddrive were the only things missing... why didn't they just take the whole thing, even just for shred-weight? And why would you stand in snow on the curb to take one apart?)

    -Two days ago, I took my wife's car to work. I never usually do this, because I like travel through the neighborhoods on my way home from work. Her car is much nicer when it's freezing and snowy out, and I took the lazy man's way that day. I paid the price by finding a water heater on my way home and not being able to get it. That's the first water heater I've seen on the curb since I started doing this. I lost sleep that night over the brass and copper hanging off of it. Well last night on my run, I saw two guys walking a water heater down their driveway to the curb. I couldn't believe it. I stopped and talked to them, and THEY LOADED IT IN MY VAN. Talk about luck. They acted like I was doing them a favor by taking it. There was probably a few pounds each of copper and brass I knocked off of it.

    -The week before Christmas, I was going through my best neighborhood, and I found a Denon A/V receiver with remote and manual in a bag setting out. It looks brand new, not a speck of dust or dirt on it. I forget the model number, but it looks like used ones are going for over well $200 on Ebay right now. It's only a few years old, and quite a bit better than the old one I am using. I've been itching for an upgrade for quite a while now, and this was a perfect find.

    -Maybe the most interesting "find" of the past few weeks: I was on my second-to-last street one night last week, and I saw what looked like a little metal shelf next to a pile of boxes. I pull over and check the shelf, and it was just plastic. While I was there, I gave a quick glimpse into the top box and it looked like a bunch of crap. Papers, pictures, office stuff. I was cold and tired and decided to skip it. As I'm pulling out of the neighborhood to go home, I got a super-nagging feeling in my gut to turn around and check that box. I was thinking that people don't usually throw personal pictures away unless they're in a hurry, or it's not their stuff, so they don't care what they're throwing out... either way, maybe there was something good thrown away in the box. Since I had space in the van, and I was tired, I just decided to throw the box in the van and I would sort it out at home. Underneath the box turned out to be a Sony A/V receiver (no remote, but in practically-new condition) and a Realistic stereo receiver (also in good condition, but very old), and a decent old DVD player (again, no remote). They were nestled behind empty boxes and garbage bags, so there was no way to see them without picking up that heavy box first (it was HUGE, probably 3' cubed and packed full, and it had to weigh well over 75 pounds). The electronics put a smile on my face, for sure, but check out what ended up being in the box: A bag full of Mary Kay makeup sales-crap in an expensive purse (my wife tells me that the Mary Kay stuff is super expensive, and it sells good around us, I guess.), a really neat wood Japanese doll, some nice office stuff, and an unused $25 gift card to Longhorn steakhouse. And underneath all the papers and misc. crap... a ton of frilly women's undergarments! Haha, I laughed so hard at that, the Mrs. came to see what I was doing. I filled up a whole garbage can with the papers and underwear.

    Have you found anything cool, lately? Good after-Christmas junk?

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    DiamondN is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Nice Score...Why would anybody throw away a $25 gift card:confused:

  4. #3
    etack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiamondN View Post
    Nice Score...Why would anybody throw away a $25 gift card:confused:
    Sounds like the new girlfriend is throwing out the old girlfriends crap.

    I buy Tantalum Capacitors and offer other services. Check out my thread for more info.

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    broughy84 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I scored 3 working pre lit Christmas trees, 3 microwaves, 2 laptops, 3 oscillating fans, 4 desktop towers (P3) and a 100,000 btu NG hanging heater that worked fine when removed. I love being on the back of the trash truck!

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  8. #5
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    Nice finds, and it sucks when you see scrap and cant get it!

    And i got a working flat screen lcd tv on monday sitting on the curb. Brought its home tested it and sold it already for some quick cash.

  9. #6
    tedanderson is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    The other day I found 4 car batteries on the curb that the trash man wouldn't take. Based upon how they were scattered on the grass area on the other side of the curb, I'm guessing that the owner tried to hide them in the trash cans.

  10. #7
    auminer's Avatar
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    My best find of late was the $1100 recumbent exercise bike I got about 3 doors down from Ross Perot's house ( my job lets me curb shop in some NICE areas!!!!! There was a big pile of trash on Mark Cuban's side-drive this morning, but it was mostly brush & leaf bags. ).

    Once my wife realizes she's not ever going to use it I'll put it on CL & fleabay for $300, and take 200 if offered.

    The funniest find was last night: one roll of pennies, 3 one-dollar-bills and a baggie with $10 worth of dimes in the electronic cash register that I got from the resale shop that gives me their non-working/non-selling electronics. Not exactly a curb-find, but it's NICE to find cash money!!
    Out of clutter, find simplicity. --Albert Einstein

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  12. #8
    Wolfwerx is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by etack View Post
    Sounds like the new girlfriend is throwing out the old girlfriends crap.
    Yep, that's what it looked like to me.

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  14. #9
    826ih is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Same boat here not alot of heavy stuff but lots of good tear down stuff. ugh work when its sunny n light out and home to work more in the dark and cold. Love the money

  15. #10
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    just went out for the first time in a couple months tonight. At one house I found 3 bmx bikes, a large window air conditioner, large space heater, folding chairs, and some wire and then there wasn't any room left. Had to leave behind a large stainless grill and a dryer since I only have a car. Need to invest in a pickup when I have some money.

  16. #11
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    I found a fiberglass shell chair last night that I am pretty sure is an original Eames chair. It seems to be in very good shape except for the fact that it is just filthy. I've been trying to authenticate it online and the price ranges are all over the place. Maybe watching all those design and public television shows is finally going to pay off!

    Here it is just a crappy old chair but in other parts of the country it's what they call "mid-century modern" furniture.
    Last edited by Scrapette; 01-15-2013 at 11:09 AM.
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  17. #12
    NWOdrudge is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    i live in a gated community and we have bulk pickup every week. usually can get 2 loads weekly just curb shopping. i seriously want to make friends with someone from another gated community just so i can come over on trash night. lol
    last week i got stainless steel dishwasher, 2 grills, washer, steel patio furniture, 4 aluminum chairs, 2 ceiling fans, 3 TV's, printer, steel shelf and file cabinet, 10lbs christmas lights and some other stuff.
    Last edited by NWOdrudge; 01-15-2013 at 12:42 PM.

  18. #13
    silversurfer's Avatar
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    In Perth Western Australia, we are only just now losing the analogue TV signal and going all digital. Those people upgrading to smart TVs etc. are throwing out all their old ones, so kerb pick ups are getting very heavy with TVs! It is very boring breaking them all down though, even if the copper and aluminium is good. Not sure how long the bonanza will last however. The local recycler will take the CRTs for disposal for free which is good.

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  20. #14
    NWOdrudge is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfwerx View Post
    While I was there, I gave a quick glimpse into the top box and it looked like a bunch of crap. Papers, pictures, office stuff. I was cold and tired and decided to skip it.
    good thing you went back. i always check the weight of the box. if it's heavy i will take the time to see whats in it... best find i have had so far: last month pulled over to what appeared to be a steel cabinet. it was dark, went to pick it up and was shocked at how heavy it was. got home to see i had my first server.

  21. #15
    jghilino's Avatar
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    found today:
    about 30 cardboard boxes for shipping purposes
    20 pounds of dirty aluminum cookware pots and pans
    5 pounds of clean aluminum cookware and aluminum cans
    100 pounds of metal primarily a pair of rotors and pads and other assorted shred
    10 pounds of Christmas lights $8 worth of copper and $8 worth of "replacement bulbs"
    1 ice tea maker
    1 coffee maker
    total value $40 not counting the boxes

    and the big find today:
    a 32" lcd tv tested and working, there was a 42' led tv box right next to it on the curb so i knew the minute i found it it was a good tv
    total value $150

    grand total this week $190

    I found the tv 3 houses down from me. The rest of the stuff found on the rest of my route. I would like to run 2 or 3 routes a week, but the problem is i dont know the pickup schedule. And for some reason i always get the stink eye.
    Last edited by jghilino; 02-18-2013 at 04:18 PM.
    I buy and sell all types of scrap and escrap. I buy specialty and hard to sell escrap. I buy resale items. PM me or contact me at

  22. #16
    Wolfwerx is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by jghilino View Post
    I would like to run 2 or 3 routes a week, but the problem is i dont know the pickup schedule. And for some reason i always get the stink eye.

    Nice haul! Check your city/county website for trash pickup schedules (or if there is a private third-party company, check with them). I was surprised to find that every city that I run routes through had a very nicely detailed pickup schedule posted to their websites. I have them printed off and keep them in a folder in my van.

    For some reason, I really get a kick out of reading what kind of stuff we all find at the curbs. I guess it never ceases to amaze me what people throw away.

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    jghilino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfwerx View Post
    Nice haul! Check your city/county website for trash pickup schedules (or if there is a private third-party company, check with them). I was surprised to find that every city that I run routes through had a very nicely detailed pickup schedule posted to their websites. I have them printed off and keep them in a folder in my van.

    For some reason, I really get a kick out of reading what kind of stuff we all find at the curbs. I guess it never ceases to amaze me what people throw away.
    thanks, i found the info and the map on there website, this city is big enough that i could do runs every day of the week. Guess i need to get a truck/van.

    heres what the map for my area looks like

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