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fridge freezers scrap what i do.

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    projectnz started this thread.
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    fridge freezers scrap what i do.

    the genral rule for these beast is:
    never lay them down on their side the oil mixs with the gas and its a dead duck.
    if one part is cold and the other isnt then 9 out of 10 its the thermostat and a very easy fix.
    if both are warm its gas going to cost ya an arm and a leg to fix.
    I tend to take the thermostat outsell for $5 to $10us or keep a few for ones that I can fix.
    there is no scrap value in nz for these.
    i have sold freezers as storage for tools or outside wood boxs
    fridge freezers as raise garden containers inso for winter
    the plastic storage containers are well worth keeping and sell for replacements from $10 to $30 nz
    on the back of the motor is the timer strip these off and sell to ya local store.
    naturally there are other metals to gain form stripping from these items.I tend to not worry and move on to better cash cows
    stoves,washers,microwaves,dryers,computers. hope that gives someone some info or if there is something out there for me happy to hear other ideas
    thanks for the time and happy scrappin

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  3. #2
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Haha, PNZ..your one creative guy buddy. I look forward to seeing what you come up with next my friend.

    Thinking outside the box is a good thing in this business.

    Sirscrapalot - Thought outside the box, and now can't get back in it.

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