Wow! Either the yard I go to doesn't care about making money, or I am missing something big.
This morning I got a call asking if I would take 2 pick up loads worth of mixed electronics. Of course I said yes, and then immediately panicked because I don't have the space for that much stuff. I rounded up everything that I knew my yard would take and hit the road so I could make some room. While I was at the yard I mentioned to the guy at the scale that I had a ton (figuratively) of wire at home that I needed gone and didn't have time to strip. He said to just bring it in as is, they pay $1.20/lb. That seemed pretty high but I was still hesitant. Then he told me they don't care about cord ends or wire type! $1.20/lb includes aluminum wire, phone cords, romex, coax and whatever else you can think of. All he asked was no xmas lights.
Am I nuts thinking I should never strip anything 10ga and under from here on out? I will still clip brass and gold connectors of course.