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ok my second major shot at scrapping.

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    509recycler started this thread.
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    ok my second major shot at scrapping.

    Yesterday I went and just scoured my local neighborhood. Took like two hours and got about 30 bucks worth of scrap. couple of dryers and some random aluminum and iron scrap. Well next day I decide to take my unemployed roomates to barter some labor to work off their rent and we went to another area of town to hunt for scrap. Ended up with about 400 pounds of various scrap and only got about fifty bucks. I was only really setting out to fill my gas tank. I have a large fifteen passenger dodge van that I could pretty easily fit maybe a ton? Am I doing something wrong here Or am i about average on things..

  2. #2
    Copper Head's Avatar
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    there are many ways to scrap. The go out empty and look to see what you will get NOW - well you are basically in the ball park One Key is to make sure no precious metals get past you - motors wires AL. If you are committed to the dismantling and you go out often in time you will find more then you can process - that buddy will be a building of stock or inventory, once you build up stock , then what will happen is you will still find and also use some of your stock and with luck some will be juicy like 10 pounds of copper brass . in time you will get the feel if your ahead of your stock or pulling out more then your replacing ,
    If you find and get rid of fast you will always have some pocket money but you will pass up on lots extra $ from the collecting of CU Brass AL SS lead ECT if you really look you will find . I guess some day it will dry up but if that happens we will have some problems as it will indicate people are not makeing purchases so nothing to toss out

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  4. #3
    Scrapette's Avatar
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    Start hitting the computer repair shops on trash day - electronic stuff generally - but not always - brings in more money for the weight - and it's less of a strain on the back.
    Success consists of going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm...... Churchill

  5. #4
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    ive taken over 2500 pounds in my astro van

  6. #5
    Copper Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by heeroyue2002 View Post
    ive taken over 2500 pounds in my astro van
    Impressive not kidding I mean really

  7. #6
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    94 ext. when i remove the back two benches its basically a long bed pu.
    Decent mpg and no one can take what u got if u park.

  8. #7
    TheRecycler's Avatar
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    Yes you are, you need to break down each item fr non ferrous metals and other valuables such as motors, boards, wires, and etc. Its not a get rich quick scheme. Be patient, accumulate, and then cash in.
    Your Trash-My Cash
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  10. #8
    ScrappinMama's Avatar
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    ditto on the computer repair shops, i also check the apartments too. i live in a college town and i usually find a lot of computer equipment. i try to go at the end of the month when i know students will be moving out.

  11. #9
    509recycler started this thread.
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    yeah thanx for the advice guys. I dont have a space to store stuff right now as i live in a triplex. but pretty soon i hope to be renting a house with a goodsize shop so i can tear down appliances. I think i will be focusing on trying to get a lot of scrap iron and aluminum and more appliances tommorow. I found a refrigerator the last time i went out that i did'nt get because I didnt want it to take up room. but i guess they are worth about twenty bucks at the scrap yard in my town. I got a good five hour window tommorow and I'm gonna find as many good leads for places/buisnesses that have scrap for me on a semi-regular basis. I definately do not feel that going through the alleys is profitable enough for me for the most part. I want to at least get a full ton of scrap the next time i got out. I watched a video f a dude who has the exact same van as me who pulled it off. spent five hours and got 160 dollars for his scrap. and thats where i wanna be might take a bit of trial and error but im gonna do it lol.

  12. #10
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    509, you might want to think about a storage unit. My daughter has one 8x8' for $25. a month. The extra storage would be worthwhile and easy to pay for when you can stockpile. Give you a place to breakdown also. Especially if the storage is close by.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  14. #11
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    Storage unit dumpsters are a great place to get scrap as well. Thats a place where people are constantly moving and cleaning out things and its getting more popular for buisnesses to rent storage units to work out of. I work for a rather large cable company that uses a storage unit.

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