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I agree with Brandon, I can not say how much more scrap was given to me because I stopped and asked if I could take the little bit of scrap that was in peoples trash. And if they say no then I just say ok have a nice day and go on my way.
Last night I had a major score (major for me, anyways) by asking somebody if I could grab something out of their trash.
I'm running my nightly route, and I see a crappy little kids bike and a weedeater setting on the curb. The homeowner was standing in her garage, cleaning out some stuff, and I stopped and asked if she cared if I grabbed the bike. She said that I could take whatever I wanted, and that she had a bunch of heavy stuff she wanted out of the garage. I helped her carry out a bunch of random junk to the curb, and for my troubles this is what I ended up with: the bike, weedeater, vacuum sweeper, a monster artificial christmas tree, 2 empty kegs, and 1 full keg of Bud (still had the seal on it).
Wednesday nights are usually my lamest nights, but my van ended up being so full last night, I could barely fit in the driver's seat.