Originally Posted by
Copper Head
Not my words
You can't do it chemically, like alchemists tried to, but you can do it physically. It's actually been done before by stripping protons from the lead atom until it turns into an atom of gold. There's more than one way to transform lead to gold (nuclear reactors actually do it accidentally sometimes), but they all take a ridiculous amount of energy since lead is a really stable element that likes to hold onto its protons.
I heard about that, it took a day to make 1/4 cents worth of Gold. Probably 2 cents now....
Trading silver as money.
I read a scifi book once where that planet he was on operated on this system.
He would get a spool of offical silver wire from the bank. Its sized & embossed along its edge.
When he brought something (there was bargining involved) they agreed on a price. Then they used a tool to cut off the amount of wire needed. He took the item home.
The seller would, at the end of the day, take all the silver bits to the bank, they would weigh it, melt it back down & remake more official Silver wire from it. And take their cut (Taxes).