I finally had time,and decent weather to make a haul. I normally make my run early,but i was waiting on the wife, didnt get there till 10.00 a.m. bad timing the place was packed.Three loads ahead of me at the gate,then two ahead at the scale in, three ahead to unload, then had to watch them drag two vans and a jeep across the scale before i could weigh out. I normally am in and out in about 15 minutes or less, but i'm generally there at 7 to 8 a.m. But anywho, did pretty good, 800lb what most would call shred,the common term here is light stuff,10 bucks a hundred on that. 20 lbs #2 copper,41 lbs chopper wire .50 a lb first time ive sold wire like that, they just recently started buying it like that.Had a little brass 12lb,82lb alum,67lb of cans,little dab of stainless,one compressor hey it was 18 lb,three small batteries, and 124lb of electric motors. scored just short of $280. Not bad at all.