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I love livin the 'scrappers life'!

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    lady scrapper started this thread.
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    I love livin the 'scrappers life'!

    Cold weather was coming. I had to get rid of the extra stuff i had layin in the yard. a couple of old fuel oil barrels, some wood from an old deck, tin off a barn roof, aluminum duct work from a trailer house, and old blower fan from someones junk pile i picked up, and a bucket full of nails and screws.
    We knew it would be cold soon and wondered where to put everything..Then a light bulb moment!!!
    We used the torch cut a few holes in the fuel oil barrel and turned it into a homemade wood stove. used the wood, tin and nails to make a 10x15 enclosed lean to building. took the old aluminum duct work and laid in on top of the stove. Cut a hole in the side of the building and ran the other end through the window of the trailer house. Then we attached the blower fan to the aluminum ductwork, insulated it where it runs outside and it blows in over 100 degree heat. (of course we put up extra fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors)no smoke ever comes in..unless i forget to turn the blower fan off when i open the stove door. but extra heat to warm the entire house up for FREE!! And when we feel like it, we can go into the stove house and poke sticks into the fire. I love this life!! We're old school people!!

  2. #2
    lady scrapper started this thread.
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    LOL!! I laugh every time I look at it, and yet its blowing in air thats (according to my meat thermometer) over 120 degrees. ha ha it is probably the most hideous thing i've ever seen but it works like you wouldn't believe. lol i will post pics to my facebook and send a link someday..ha ha at my fugly stove!

  3. #3
    Mick's Avatar
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    It's producing heat - that's what matters.

    That's what I tried telling my mother-in-law when she moved into a little house we own with a woodstove. We live in the middle of 60 acres of woods, so she could have free heat. But she didn't like the looks of the woodstove, so she had it taken out which left her with propane heaters. Now she's complaining about her heat bill in the winter.

    I'm with Kris Kringle, I'd like to see your "contraption".
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  4. #4
    lady scrapper started this thread.
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    yeah. it is nice, and truly it isn't as ugly as i made it sound. but i suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I like the heat so it's pretty to me!! nothing like having it be 25 below and so warm in the house you have to open a window! love wood heat!! All to often to many people are believing because something isn't brand new, or's not worth having! blessed are we who have more vision than that!! LOL i see money when I look at peoples old cars. I pick up 2000 and newer vehicles because " oh i got a new car, i dont need this one, and the back seat is just horribly stained" i just say ok...

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