So I see a Craigslist ad for 20 free crt-moniters while at work. I work full time. Normally scrap ads go very fast. This one was still there 7 hours later when i get oof work. I figure its because its crts. (most people here think too much work. where to dispose Of the tubes.) luckly i can get rid of tubes. There loss my Gain. I Responded to the ad and go the next day to pick up the crts. ther IT guy asks me if imake runs to the scrap yard. Uh, Yeah. He takes me to their IT departmaent where they are up-grading all their computer equipment. He asks if I want all their old stuff. Yup. So 20 crt moniters turned into this:
Some of the towers and misc
About one hundred 2 gig memory sticks and other cards
a large Compaq server
And this server looks brand new. they gave me a new inbox stablizer rack i think goes to it
Here are the moniters.