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  1. #21
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    Hunt a new yard to sell,would be my best advice.

  2. #22
    sledge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taterjuice View Post
    That's 5200# of appliances
    BOOM!!! So that is what a 16' or 18' trailer maxxed out looks like- AWESOME!
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

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  4. #23
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Talk to the owner. You have brought in how many pounds of stuff over the past few years? Find out how to process the stuff without a deduction. Can you cut up the fridges and then they take them even with the plastic on them? Could be that when they see an intact fridge it is a 50 lb deduction. If not find out what needs to be separated and sell it that way. I put all kinds of small items inside fridges, dishwashers and microwaves to compact the load and save on storage space! Do they deduct for any other plastic or wood items on things or just appliances? And donuts or bottled water for the yard staff may help!

  5. #24
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    You noted a $11.46 deduction thats like 140 pounds of stuff!? WTF!

  6. #25
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    If a yard was screwing me like that, they'd be lucky to get week old doughnuts. I'm normally all about the doughnut/soda/pizza thing, but in this case, I don't think the yard would care. As others said..find another yard, if thats not an one. lol. Surely there is another yard within a couple hours. Eat the gas loss, your already doing it with the deductions. Hell might make out better, with the way they are treating you.

    I don't play the "Your the close yard/store/etc, so I'll suck it up and let you keep stealing/insulting/treating me poorly" game. I don't like your service I go elsewhere. Life is to short to put up with such BS. My time, money, and how I'm treated count with me. Which is why I don't use certain stores ( Bite me Goodwill) or yards. When you allow them to walk all over you, don't be surprised when you find boot tracks up your backside.

    Some say grow thick skin, or eat your loss..I say to hell with that, and take your services and business elsewhere, and spread the word. Time for companies to realize..they need you as much as you need them. Whether its a scrap yard, big box store, or a thrift store.

    Thats my 0.02 on the matter, and no you can't have a refund.

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  8. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge42 View Post
    BOOM!!! So that is what a 16' or 18' trailer maxxed out looks like- AWESOME!
    It's a 18, needs to be a 25 tho
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  9. #27
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    I agree find a new yard or just make them pull each item in different bunches. I have been screwed by the big yards, but not as bad as this lil s-hole in Turley,ok. I will never go back to that thief ever again. I have nerer been deducted for a fridge, and I agree WTF on a "moisture charge". Do they deduct for foam in the seats of cars?

  10. #28
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    Definitely sounds like they're taking advantage of you, hardcore. To be honest though, up here moisture deductions are pretty typical in winter. I once took my 7x16' dump trailer over the scales after about 6" of snow overnight. Was almost 200 lbs. of snow. As for those other "deductions", yeah you're getting hosed.

  11. #29
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    the yard closest to me that already pays lower across the board also has a new sign up they take another 5 cents off cans for dirt/water. well, I realized they also were taking it off ALL aluminum I took in, I didn't notice it until I was in my truck double checking my ticket.

    I mean, they already can rook folks being they are the only ones around this area but come on!

    needless to say I no longer take any aluminum to them.

    ETA: And no, its not petty of you - you worked to get the item, you should get money for it at some level above ''zero''
    Last edited by newattitude; 03-21-2013 at 02:25 AM.

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  13. #30
    TheRecycler's Avatar
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    No, you are not petty. Can you find another yard maybe? Keep in mind, they need your business so don't be afraid to speak up for something you consider fair.
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  14. #31
    Phantoms001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newattitude View Post
    the yard closest to me that already pays lower across the board also has a new sign up they take another 5 cents off cans for dirt/water.
    Most of the yards near me "reserve the right" to use a moisture reduction on cans of 10%. If the cans are flattened, they rarely use this "right", they will if you turn in full cans with a swamp soup of beer and soda at the bottom of the bag. They will also give you a deduction on cars for the tires (a few pounds for each tire). That's about it.

    Rather than a deduction, the yard I use for non-ferrous will actually just take a few pounds off items and give me a clean price on a lot of dirty items. For example, the guy at the scale will take off a pound or two on a car radiator that has plastic on it and give me the clean radiator price rather then force me to "clean" the radiator. I've done it both ways and he is pretty much right on. It saves me a lot of time and certainly is a large incentive to use their yard.

    The whole point of having "clean" and "unclean" steel is that the drop in price accounts for the excess materials that could be plastic, insulation, ect... I don't think you are being petty, I think you are being cheated, I'd find another yard or stick to ewaste.

  15. #32
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    My yard does deductions. Mainly they are for dirt though. We ran into the problem where people were "adding" a scoop or two of dirt with their loaders before they shipped us a 35 yard rolloff of scrap. Being that a cubic yard of dirt weighs about a ton, it doesn't take much to add up. We also have to pay to get rid of the dirt (my yard ships thousands of tons of dirt a year). Therefore we have to do the occasional deduction or we would be getting screwed.

    However, I think that doing deducts for insulation and such is egregious and nit-picky. There is 15% "fluff" built into the price of shred when it is sent to shredders or mills.

  16. #33
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by NobleMetalWorks View Post
    I have never heard of a scrap yard conducting payouts in this way.

    Seems that they should know, since it's their business, how much they can get out of a refrigerator on average, regardless of whatever other materials there happen to be. Armed with this knowledge, they should be able to give you a per lb price, period, without any deductions for individual items or potential items that might be included.

    I just posted a video on how e-scrap is processed, if you watch you can see where a dishwasher was thrown onto the conveyer belt. This is generally the way refrigerators and washers are processed.

    It just seems to me they are adding fees onto your scrap just like a bank adds fees to your bank account for using your own money. Just another way for them to part you from the real value of the material you worked so hard to bring them.

    You are not being petty, you are being smart, and if I were you I would find a different yard to do business with.

    This video is humbling cause as big as my yard claims to be if they had that system they would have the apatite for all items . It also show how valuable even a coffee maker is . No the yard I deal only wants cherries these days & now it's very clear for sure the yard I deal with pulls shenanigans now and then also the yard men are trying to look good , and also like to look like there doing a good job. There might be many factors like making quota as some days the yard is out for blood & other days they are mellow
    this yard can have 200 or more drop offs a day, so to pull $10 from 100 is $1000 @ 7 days $7000 X 4.2 = $29,400 per month so easy to see the incentive, Well matters not I have no other choices.
    Last edited by Copper Head; 03-25-2013 at 07:31 AM.

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