so I do not do anything for easter really maybe when I have my own family I will. so today on my way to get coffee I turned down a side street cause I thought I seen a pile of stuff and sure did it about 10lbs of wires and tubs to go with some of it and random stuff including a grill that sort of looks like an egg since its rounder at least. so just as I make my way again hit hit hit on streets all after that grills tvs and lots of random steel things like racks even hangers by the box full. all told about 3 full truck loads in an area about 15 blocks in 2 1/2hrs I would say with everything the easter bunny left me $200-300, its been warm here for a few days and if it keeps up I think it may be the beginning of spring cleaning which will be awesome. anyway happy easter to all and to all some good steel or a few shinny copper eggs at least