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Funny story

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    hobo finds started this thread.
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    Funny story

    The guy that lives next to me on the right is a Mr. Fix it Guy. Fixes anything. The people on my left put out a lamp with a free sign on it. Of course you know what happened to it. Later on today Mr. Fix it and I went to the store for beverages, we see the guy who lives to my left. He askes Mr. Fix it if he got the lamp, he said no. He askes me, I say yes! I am up earlier than Mr. Fix it! LOL

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  3. #2
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    I had something very similar.

    Neighbor across the street threw out a stove, looked good too but i was going to scrap it.

    Neighbor across the street, my self and next door neighbor meet at the little quikie mart. Next door neighbor is talking about how his stove died and he doesnt have the cash for a new one. Neighbor across the street says he could have had his but scrappers scooped it up in like 5 mins. I then chime in and say i have it in my drive way. Next door neighbor askes if im willing to sell. I say sure, buy me this soda and bag of chips and $20 in lotto and well call it even.

    He gets a good working stove, i get soda, chips and win 45 in the lotto!

    We pay you to recycle!

  4. The Following 3 Users say Thank You for This Post by drozenski:

  5. #3
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    drozenski guess I am a nicer neighbor then you. I would have GAVE it to the neighbor in trade for his old one. Then scrap his old one and call it good.

  6. The Following 2 Users say Thank You for This Post by ron22:

  7. #4
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    he kept the old one cause the oven still worked. Put that one in the basement cause his mother is Italian and she cooked like a storm

  8. #5
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    After Easter Dinner one of my wife's brothers posed the question if we could change our career choice right now (he's an accountant) what would we be doing? When it came to my turn I said I was quite content...He says "oh come on you wouldn't be doing something different?"

    I say "no..everyday is different, I break stuff then sell it, go to auctions or sales and find stuff that you guys always insist on seeing when you come over, work part time most weeks and love to see the smile on my wife's face when I tell her what the total for the week was."

    You can tell he's still doubting me but the funny thing is when it is his turn he exclaims that if he could change his career path, "he would be an entrepreneur of some sort."
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
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  10. #6
    ocedy's Avatar
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    I would have given the stove to the guy if I had known it would have helped him.

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