So I got a call yesterday afternoon...didnt answer it at first, because the area code is like 3 to 4 hours away from me. Decided to call back, as I sometimes forget a lot of my contractors for store closings, and so on have out of area, area codes.
Also I noticed they left a voicemail. Come to find out, it was a lady and her sister and they were moving out of their apartment in Falls Church and needing a beautiful leather couch (with sleeper sofa) and loveseat removed, alone with several trash bags (most, are donateable, or even yardsale material.
So I arrive at the apartment, thinking everything was bagged and ready to go, and OMG it looked like a horders home (not real bad, but still).
So after taking out the first 6 bags with my sister in law, and little brother in law, the ladies pull me to the side and say "I know we agreed on $150, but we are going to give you more, we will take care of you" I of course said "Ok, no problem" lol...didn't know what else to say really.
So, when it finally comes time to the couch and love seat, I couldn't believe. They were like new, like store bought new...still had tags and everything lol.
The sleeper sofa still had the plastic on it!
So, I have a Facebook fan page that is like my own thrift store/yard sale site on facebook that I take pictures and post on there with prices, or even for free stuff.
I threw the couch and loveseat on it, for $200 for the set, and within 10 minutes, a lady who lives less than 5 minutes from my in laws wants it! SCORE!
Then, as the ladies are telling me that they are leaving to go to the ATM to get my money, they said they said "Like we said earlier, we are gonna take care of you, and give you $300 instead of the $ that good?"....I was so in shock that I barely said "Yes ma'am, that will work" lol
So, all together I have already made $500 on this one job, and I haven't even gone through the bags I wont get to excited, but I estimate at least another $100 to $200 if not little less.
I did find $200 in suite cases, but I am keeping those for our family vacations this summer.
Moral of the story here....answer all calls REGARDLESS of area code!