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A bunch of free stuff

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper

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  1. #1
    ROKrecycling started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

    Member since
    Jul 2012
    Millersville, MD
    Thanked 97 Times in 38 Posts

    A bunch of free stuff

    We had to take some extra space since we have been growing. We were talking to the rental agent about getting furniture for the new office. She mentioned that they manage a bunch of properties and people are always leaving furniture in offices when they move out. She said they had some now and if we wanted it, we could have it. There were 2 large offices of furniture and accessory items. Today we took a 26 foot truck and picked up not only 6 disks but also about 8 chairs, 6 large filing cabinets, several computers and a copier. We will use the desks in our office or as work benches in the warehouse. The filing cabinets will make great storage units and we can always use more chairs. We will scrap the computers and the copier. Since we got to take only what we wanted, we took the LCD monitor but left the CRTs. We also got about 15 pounds of various cables, wires, etc. They went right into scrap. Most of the desks were metal so if we did not need them, they would have been good scrap.

    We left a bunch of desks and a few filing cabinets because we did not need them and our truck was full.

    The agent was happy we took what we took because she said they PAY to have this stuff removed routinely. Thus, it might make sense to talk with commercial rental agents to offer clean out services. I know I was really happy with our stuff.

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