This morning I did my usual scan of the craigslist free section and saw an ad for a curb alert a few miles away from my house. Ad mentioned a Total Gym which I figured I could snag and scrap for a few bucks. I got to the address and not only did I get the Total Gym but also 3 Goodyear ZR45 tires with 70% tread left on them. The tires are Z rated and going for $85 a piece on
ebay so that a nice $255 surprise. After getting home I went back on craigslist and found a broken front load washer being given away so I hopped in my truck and picked it up, swung by the yard on the way home and scrapped the Total Gym and Washer for $27. Not a bad day! And it's still light out so who knows whats in store before bed tonight!
Hope you're all having a productive day.