Today was a good day. One of the contacts I've been working on the last couple months, finally bit and decided him an his boss wanted to get rid of 50 towers. His boss was going to just toss them, and my contact reminded him of me, and what I do. So now I got 46 to 50 towers coming my way this weekend. Said he was pretty sure they all have video, MB, HD, etc. Says likely just missing the ram sticks. I'm ok with this. Ha!
I'll be paying either 5 per or 6 per if they deliver. 6 is more then i like to spend, but I'll eat the $1 if it keeps my contact an his boss happy. I'd be ok for this to be regular deal. Their also going to toss some flat screens my way, no We had a good laugh over tubes and he assured me they got rid of all theirs a couple years back.
Sorry for the rambling, but sure you all understand. I'm just a tad excited.
Hope everyone else had a good day.
Sirscrapalot - “The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin.” - Mark Twain