since its spring now i decided to clean up my scrap pile from last fall and over winter.
last week i cashed in the metal pile. first load with the truck full and half full car trailer. i ended up with 1,300# and got $166 for it.
then yesterday i took in 5-6 bags full of aluminum cans 75# worth. and rest of my other aluminum pile 32# and got $50 for that.
now that spring has came back time to go out and haul some aluminum and metal! i thinking of start hauling some junk cars soon as i get some transport chains and binders. the loading straps i have just not cutting it! they slip off the trailer real easy and not very safe. time to upgrade some of my transport items. i have 1 question when you guys buy junk cars how much do you buy them for. so far here in nebraska my local yard is getting $215 a ton as of this week. just to get an idea so when i put up a craigslist ad. i'm new to the junk cars side as to what to buy them for???? i know to take out the radiator,cat,starter,alt,battery,aluminum wheels. but as to what to buy the junk vehicles for not real sure yet?????? any idea's?