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Made a good deal today!

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper

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  1. #1
    Gravitar started this thread.
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    Made a good deal today!

    I will tell y'all now, I don't get many computers to scrap so I always get excited when I get one or two. Anyway, today was trash day in the neighborhood and I came home before it was collected. I have been wanting to ask the trash guys how many computers they come across every week for a while now, but I haven't gotten a chance until today. So when they pulled up to my house, I went a head and asked the guy on the back about 'em and he said they get like 3-4 a week. Sweet! So now I should be getting them dropped off in my driveway every week hopefully along with DVR's, VCR's, Printers, and other low grade stuff but hopefully computers! In exchange for the electronics, I'm giving them cold Cokes and probably other goodies to try to give them an incentive to give them to me (I offered them cash, but they turned it down.) Anyway, I thought I'd share my little success story with y'all as I don't really ever have anything interesting things to share. I also scored a medical office scale from right down my street today so I may be able to actually buy stuff from people by the pound. Have a nice day y'all!

    EDIT: Also, a HUGE thanks to Mechanic688 for giving me the idea for asking the trash companies about computers. I would have never thought about asking them if I hadn't read your post about trash computers. Again, THANK YOU!
    Last edited by Gravitar; 04-23-2013 at 04:54 PM.
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  3. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Also, a HUGE thanks to Mechanic688 for giving me the idea for asking the trash companies about computers. I would have never thought about asking them if I hadn't read your post about trash computers. Again, THANK YOU!
    Yea, it was kind of slow this winter, not even xmas was good on the trash trucks for electronics but now the weather is warming up.
    Just last week I picked up 2 computers, 2 motherboards, and a handful of mixed low grade boards.

    Mechanic- even a blind hog finds an ear of corn occasionally.
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  5. #3
    Gravitar started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Yea, it was kind of slow this winter, not even xmas was good on the trash trucks for electronics but now the weather is warming up.
    Just last week I picked up 2 computers, 2 motherboards, and a handful of mixed low grade boards.
    Yep, now I hopefully have my foot in the door to the somewhat large company that serves over 60,000 households. They are actually a sister company of one of the largest haulers in the area so if I can get all of their computers, I will have my hands full. Lol.

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  7. #4
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    At least by you the garbage is still picked up by hand. By me we now have these carts that get mechanically picked up, and all the garbage fits inside. Scrapping has been slow ever since. I used to be able to get 2 truckloads in 1 night but now I'm lucky to get half a truckload.

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  9. #5
    Gravitar started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapping4ever View Post
    At least by you the garbage is still picked up by hand. By me we now have these carts that get mechanically picked up, and all the garbage fits inside. Scrapping has been slow ever since. I used to be able to get 2 truckloads in 1 night but now I'm lucky to get half a truckload.
    I forgot to update this thread. I haven't gotten ANYTHING from them yet. I put a note on the trashcan the first three weeks and put four cokes on the lid and didn't get anything. I'm one of the last streets they do so that's a good and bad thing. It's good because they can save them and then I have most of their routes computers, but if they forget, I don't get anything. Oh well.

    Back to what scrapping4ever was saying, we have semi-automated pickup. We have the big 96 gallon carts, but are emptied by a tipper on the back of the truck. Here is a pic of the carts that I'm talking about (the middle one is my personal can, tough as hell.):

    Whenever I see something even if it's inside the can, I ALWAYS ask. Yea, I do probably miss a lot of scrap because of the carts, but I can't help that.

    Back to the computers, I'm probably going to call the trash company and try to make a deal on me buying their computers.

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