Originally Posted by
Here is the nail in the coffin, don't pay for scrap and no matter what the prices are, you come out always with 100% profit.
Here's the nail in -that- coffin. Don't pay for scrap around here, and you'll be lucky to end the day with half a pickup load of shred/tin, with maybe a couple lucky non-ferrous finds. You'll also have some great days with awesome loads, but those are balanced out by the days where you only end up with an old lawn mower, a dryer, and someone's old 3-spd bike. Nothing left after gas, truck maintenance/replacement, or buying lunch. And we're sure as hell not talking a CoryCouch lunch either. But hey, "it's all profit!", so you're golden.
Now you take someone who pays for scrap. Many of your days are pre-planned, because you have customers calling you to schedule pickups, where 3-4 stops at most maxes out your truck with nice heavy steel. The same customers who tell scrappers looking for free scrap to take a flying leap.
So nope, it's not "all profit" for me. But I'm ok with that.