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Scrap Price Drop in May 2013

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper

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  1. #16
    SMF Badges of Honor

    Member since
    May 2011
    Saint Louis, MO
    Thanked 900 Times in 349 Posts
    Gangel, My prices are locked in for what I do. The only thing I can't control is the price os propane but the more I buy the cheaper it gets. Buying 2000 gallons at a time helps me lower my price by buying in bulk. I wouldn't use walmart as an example for anything business either. There business plan isn't the same one that sam walton had in mind when he started that company years ago. I know my costs per month to operate month to month. Prices can go up or down copperhead and it doesn't affect me that much. I don't own the yard. I just process there torch material for them. When the price goes down it does affect the flow of scrap into the yard. This also has an affect on the mill though because lower prices mean less product to buy and that makes for a tight market. The mill will have to raise there prices in order to improve scrap being sold to them. I would look for a June or July bounce back though. You also have to keep in mind its feast and famine in the scrap industry. Up or down the yards are still going to ship scrap you can't sit on it hoping that it goes up next month when you are dealing in 1,000's of tons a month. You need to have cash flow at the end of the day to keep operating. Here is an interesting little new story I found the other day enjoy it. Its about sims yard in jersey and its there crown jewel of a yard. There shredder can eat through 4,000 tons of material a day and they have some 200+ employees working there on a daily basis.

    Behold the Mega Shredder: Jersey City recycling plant turns cars to confetti in seconds |

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