I just picked up two jobs on the same street. Although they are 30 minutes away from me they are only 10 min from the yard so i'm going to try and get both done on the same day. One lady called me and said she had a pile of metal in her back yard she needed gone so i went down there on Sunday to look at the job and see if she had any questions. She has at least two loads of prepared steel and a load of shred plus half a load to bring home and disassemble. She is going to pay me to remove the metal from her yard and the items out of her basement. usually i don't go in houses but she is a nice old lady so i will bring the stair dolly to get the old fridge washer dryer and misc items out of their for her. While I was there talking to her one of her neighbors walked by and started talking to us he found out what i did and told me he could fill up my trailer with old electronics ( computers mostly) and was also willing to pay me to get rid of the items so i walked back to his house with him not quite believing his story until he opened up his garage Hallelujah comes to mind when the garage door opened up. Half and i mean half floor to ceiling wall to wall was completly packed with old electronics I counted at least 50 towers that i could see on the outside of the stack as well as a box of old cellphones and various other office equipment. Woo Hoo So we talked for a little while and then he mentioned his shed and asked me if i wanted to clean that out as well. not one to be afraid of work i said sure thing so out to the shed we go. I thought he had a 8x10 or something like that but it is more like 15 x 40 two storys and packed with all sorts of junk the man said it was mostly good but he would start to throw most of the junk outside of the shed to get things moving so i don't have to wait for him on every item removed and i could help him with the big stuff! All in all it's going to be a good week and as soon as i'm done with this post it's off to scrapping so wish me luck at the yard hopefully steel prices are still up!