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i got SCREWWED - Page 2

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #21
    brandon's Avatar
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    You could always make the loss come out of your guys wages since they didn't follow your rules.
    If the scrap paid $22 and you had $15 in fuel then your two guys get to split the $7 that is left over for their 2 hours of wages. If you do this and make it policy, I doubt they will ever forget to get a contract/ work order signed by the customer before they start work again.

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  2. #22
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Chalk it up to lesson's learned and write up the employees for documentation purposes. If you dock them pay make sure it doesn't bring them below minimum wage cuz that will bite you in the butt down the road.

    George...if he tosses the one asset he has walking away from this she will have that picked up in no time or haul it to the yard herself...big whoop.
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
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  3. #23
    Lol @ below minimum wage. Plus an employer can't make an employee pay for a business loss unless it can be shown the employees were trying to screw the employer. Laws do vary state to state a little but for the most part will find for the employee in these cases.

  4. #24
    volvoscrapper's Avatar
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    yes the employees screwed up but I'm willing to bet this wasn't the first time they did it...if that's the case the time to take action against employees was the first time they did a job without paperwork. Not now.

    I'm with those who say small claims court. But before you go to small claims court, make sure you're committed. the hog at a ham & egg breakfast. (The chicken is interested, the hog is committed.)

    First, file suit for money owed less the value of the fence. This addresses her story straight on. She will state that she thought the value of the metal would cover your costs. Your documents will show that it didn't.

    On court date this is what you bring:

    The receipt from the yard for the metal

    A report from your payroll system for the moneys paid to the employees

    A detailed listing of the mileages and operating costs

    Do you spell out "we charge for demolition" in your Angie's listing? if yes, print that out and bring it with you

    did she write a review of your services? if yes, print that out and bring it with you.

    go on google maps and see if you can find a "before" photo, especially if street view. print that out and bring it.

    And finally, go to the police again and request an "incident" report relating to your call. If they don't provide one, ask to report a theft. Have dates, times, dollar amounts, employee names and employee drivers license numbers. Don't ask the cops to be bill collectors -- if you had that expectation when you called them, you made it easy for them to push the turd back to your plate. You simply wish to report a theft. If the cop won't do it, ask again, and if they won't allow you to report a theft, or to get an incident report from your previous call, file a complaint against him with the State of New Jersey...

    Director of the Office of Law Enforcement Professional Standards
    Department of Law and Public Safety
    P.O. Box 080
    Trenton, NJ 08625.

    If she calls you after being served, tell her you will drop the charges if she pays.

    If she doesn't call you, I'm willing to bet she won't show up, at which point you hand your judgement to the sheriff.

    The law provides a way, albeit time consuming, to make it right. As long as you're committed.

    rhetorical there ever a good scrapping story involving a chain link fence?
    Last edited by volvoscrapper; 05-03-2013 at 11:47 AM.

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  6. #25
    Libertytow started this thread.
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    no different guys canned the first 2

    cummins there is deffinately a SUCHY THING AS BAD PR especially as a scrapper

    burly i had square i used it 3 times in 1 year but paid more than the transactions were worth i don"t do alot of retail work like this
    Liberty Towing & Recycling
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  7. #26
    Libertytow started this thread.
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    Volvo she definately did a write up on AL

    as far as the employees they have been repremanded and bascially explained this is WHY procedures exist i cannot legally dock a workers pay Ever i can however make the employee civilly neglegent and sue but in this case not worth it

    i have only done that once when i truck wound up flipped 5 times judge awarded me my deductible still waiting for the judgement to kick in

  8. #27
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    When I was self-employed, I wished there was an Angie's List for customers. Too often I had to eat a couple of very expensive boards (recovering cabinetmaker) et al and smile like I liked it. Bad customers are good AND bad: 1) They're bad for you if you get bit. 2) They're good if they hire your jerk competitor, and hopefully they repeat their unrealistically expectational behavior.

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  10. #28
    Libertytow started this thread.
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    mn i am sorry but that is funny you may be on to something here

  11. #29
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KzScrapper View Post

    George...if he tosses the one asset he has walking away from this she will have that picked up in no time or haul it to the yard herself...big whoop.

    It's the principle of the thing. She is declining to keep her end of the deal, and thus breaking the contract (verbal or other wise)...there for he isn't liable to keep his end of the deal.

    I agree with what he is doing in this matter, but the thing is, that if it was any other company, they most likely would leave the material there. Not everyone knows about scrapping, as everyone believes. I constantly see companies pay to dispose of their unwanted metal. They just dont care, because they get paid to haul it away.

    I also agree with him for taking the money to recuperate something at least from the deal.

    I am just saying, that if it was anyone else, they may or may not take it, but she would be sued and charges pressed for theft of services rendered.

    However, I am sure that the only reason he isnt doing it, is because as he stated, there is no proof of it all.
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  12. #30
    jghilino's Avatar
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    i have seen alot of construction companies lose money because of how they bid and operate jobs

    i put 100% of the blame on management, not the employees, its managements job to supervise their employees to make sure that the work is being done correctly
    I buy and sell all types of scrap and escrap. I buy specialty and hard to sell escrap. I buy resale items. PM me or contact me at

  13. #31
    Libertytow started this thread.
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    jghilino i don"T deny that management is usually responsible but the end result is i run crews for a reason with said procedures in place to prevent this kind of ending when not followede viola

  14. #32
    jghilino's Avatar
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    you missed the point, management is always responsible not usually responsible as you put it, until you can accept that your always looking to point the blame, i am sick and tired of companies placing the blame of bad decisions on the men when it was the company that hired them in the first place, you hired them and have had problems with them in the past and yet you still keep them on, that is 2 mistakes made by management right there not to mention what else happens every day

    The name of your company is liberty towing, it is not liberty towings employees.

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  16. #33
    badkarma506's Avatar
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    1. why did they not walk up to the door with a clipboard when they arrived at the jobsite?
    2. if no one answers the door, did they have a printout of a work order?
    3. did they leave a door hanger asking the customer to reschedule or provide a CC # for billing?

    i'd rather be out fuel, then fuel + wages + time they could have used serving other customers.
    if it's a cash customer they need to sign upfront just for the waiver of liability, they can pay when you complete the job to their satisfaction.
    this is the kind of thing that needs to be addressed in a positive manner like at a monthly company breakfast when you do other mandatory trainings, if you want to make it stick in their heads. employees and bird dogs need both discipline and rewards to be good ones, so if your going to find a reason to beat them then you need to find a reason to throw them a bone.

  17. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by brandon View Post
    If you dump it back in her yard, then she will call the cops on you for trashing her property. I wouldn't do that.
    Plus it's like doing free work for the guys that run across it and all they have to do is load it..I think a signed work ticket is a good idea
    to protect yourself. I'm a little paranoid after running across bogus adds on CL. I do a print screen/save on the adds before going out to pick up stuff, just in case someone wanted to accuse me of theft or other shenanigans..

  18. #35
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    Get what you can from the metal. Too late to fix the other.
    I don't use AL but the whole thing sound like bs to me. Why would Angie? Don't know her either.
    Does Al give you a chance to respond?
    You can make money 2 ways.
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  19. #36
    Copper Head's Avatar
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    Unfortunately scrappers driving all over town has cause many people to think there is big money in metal , and there is but $23 probably 240 in weight is just a tease .
    To her it looked all bulky like wow ,still she must of intended to take advantage .Not much you can do, I have found when you get a bad egg move away from the situation and take your loses .Sure if it was a $5000 job removal fight the Battle .
    But the A** H*** can mess your business up . leave be
    Last edited by Copper Head; 06-07-2013 at 11:05 PM.

  20. #37
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    ALWAYS ALWAYS GET A SIGNED CONTRACT BEFORE WORK BEGINS. Then you have something to go to court with.

    I agree with many of the peopke that commented have to pick yourbattle. People from a site like that can ruin your rep...but always rrspond to the comment and tell your side. Most people know there areare aholes out there.

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