I got called up to the office a couple of weeks ago. Someone wanted to talk to me about the
scrap metal we have. It happens pretty regularly. Both local welding shops will stop by if they need something. And people will need to grab a piece for some repair. I am fine with it. Most are my neighbors or local farmers. This gentleman represented a scrap yard. He wanted to drop off tubs for us to load and they would pay me per ton. We usually haul are own in, but it has been busy and the pile has gotten a bit out of hand. Also prices aren't great. I called and talked to his office and they quoted me $40 to $50 a ton less than my main yard. Free pickup and free use of tubs. I had seen their trucks at the main yard so I kind of knew they were legit.
Long story short. They dropped off a tub and we loaded it. Around 10,000lbs. They are small tubs. Recieved a settlement check today for $292.10 for 6100lbs. The weight ticket had a "Recalled" catagory. I called them and "recalled" means that there was items that were not metal in the tub. Also paid me for tin and wire ($97)/ton, not the $165/ton I was quoted.
I loaded it myself. So I know there wasn't more than 100lbs of plastic. I have been doing this for a long time. So I know about how much things weigh. I am really considering loading this one with concrete rubble.
Just a heads up about these traveling yard salesmen.