So, I gotta start by saying I'm very blessed. I got a decent job, my wife has a VERY good job, we have our health... we got it pretty darn good compared to many. I only scrap part-time for goofing-off money. My ""problem"" (such as it is), is that I just keep getting too much stuff to break down in the allotted time I'm willing to put in each week to scrapping. I insist on having a life outside of laboring for a dollar, and I think 15-20 hours a week is plenty for what's supposed to be a hobby. It's a rough problem to have, I know.
So I've tried to be more selective at curbco... I've pretty much stopped stripping wire unless it's THICK... I've quit tearing apart those tiny yellow-taped transformers... just basically streamline my time & focus only on the most profitable stuff. Well, I still have (err... had) a garage full of stuff backed up. I took a four day weekend this weekend to get a handle on it, and today was inventory day. I separated out all my stuff, pulled it out onto the driveway so I could really get a good look at it, and made 2 piles: one I was keeping, and one to go on Craigslist. So, the CL pile ended up with 30-some vacuums (cords removed, of course) a couple of electric weedwhackers, & a few other odds & ends that take a lot of time, make a lot of trash, and don't generate a superhuge amount of goodies. I almost threw in a dozen CRT TVs/monitors, but I decided to keep them.
Anyway, on to the karma thing.
I put in the ad that it was first come and no holding, and that I'd remove it as soon as humanly possible when it was gone, so of course I got inundated with emails asking me to hold it until they could get there after work, from across town, etc... I replied to each that I would not, but the stuff was still there as of now.
Short story long, a young couple showed up & started loading their car. We got to talking, and he really NEEDED those vacs a lot more than I did! He & his wife had been out of work for a bit & were just trying to make ends meet however they could. I told him about this forum, of course, & showed him a few things/tips/tricks I knew.
Well, I've posted before about the thrift shop that gives me stuff... I HAVE TO go every day, though, so I don't screw up that deal.
I got there today, and was loading up the 2 totes of small electronics they had for me, when one of the guys asked me if I wanted that bedframe over there.
I looked where he was pointing, and lo & behold a twin sized solid BRASS bed.
At least 50# of sweet yellow goodness.
Yeah.... karma is a sweet lady sometimes.