Originally Posted by
If He calls back tomorrow
Be sure to let him know price is now $50.00 since you have to make another trip
He'd be paying me to drag it out of there. I would call it a drop-and-hook fee,,,
I used to haul campers out of N. Indiana and took one over to a nice car lot in central Ill.
I pulled in and the salesmen were crowding around the picture window watching me come in the lot and turn it around out of the way. This was a brand new dealer and we always would have them check the units out and sign for them. That way they could not claim damage later on. An hour later I'm still setting there as people were coming and going from the showroom. I go inside to use the phone (no cells back then) and asked my dispatcher just how long I had to give them and the rest of the story. She tells me 1 hour and tells me to fire up the truck and bring the camper back home.
As soon as I fired the diesel Chevy up and they seen the black smoke roll, 2 or 3 of them came running out the door and screaming at me wanting to know where I was going. They signed the paperwork in no time after I explained that I had already given them the allotted time and if they wanted it, they could pay twice for someone else to re-deliver.
Instead of $300 for a delivery it would have cost them $600.