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truck down

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    cummins is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    truck down

    On route to a diaper party (don't ask) was sold on the free beer part, not even 5mins down the road, my daughter was just aboit to pass out listening to the turbo spoolin and she pops out of gear and bzzzzzzzzzz....FML... some thing in the tranny lets go.....

    Swift kick to the nuts would of been preferd...over having a major brake down this time of year, having one of those days sorting and re sorting Scrap cause every cent counts now, time to start selling my hord,

    $2500 is the ball park quote...find out more friday when they pull thr tranny deffently don't have 2500 worth of Scrap horded.....i miss my truck

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    brandon's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear about the breakdown, make sure you ask the repair shop what they do with their scrap.
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  4. #3
    submarinepainter's Avatar
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    sometime life sucks don't it! good luck.
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  5. #4
    cummins is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Just means a friend of mine is going to be busy with all the extra, guess it could be worse the phone could stop ringing

  6. #5
    badkarma506 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    find a $500 beater on CL that will allow you to run till your other truck is fixed? and then have two trucks... when I was going full time before I was married, I ran 4 trucks and it was great, I had two for picking up scrap, and two for sorting/cleaning taking stuff in. handle stuff once if you can and you will reduce the amount of labor you put in. and then you will wonder what you ever did with only one truck.

    there is a silver lining here, it may just be that it's time you re-evaluate your scrap business plan and decide to take it to a new level or a new direction. or maybe you will make some new contacts while your truck is down and it will boost your business.

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  8. #6
    cummins is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    You nailed it, were working on a new biz plan, new logo, new name....and ads and flyer. Drive line shop just called input shaft and tourq converter are shot, 2400 to 2800 for shift kit, hd tourq conveter and labour....

  9. #7
    ginofrater is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Sorry ,good luck .

  10. #8
    cummins is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by badkarma506 View Post
    find a $500 beater on CL that will allow you to run till your other truck is fixed? and then have two trucks... when I was going full time before I was married, I ran 4 trucks and it was great, I had two for picking up scrap, and two for sorting/cleaning taking stuff in. handle stuff once if you can and you will reduce the amount of labor you put in. and then you will wonder what you ever did with only one truck.

    there is a silver lining here, it may just be that it's time you re-evaluate your scrap business plan and decide to take it to a new level or a new direction. or maybe you will make some new contacts while your truck is down and it will boost your business.
    a 500 dollar beater would be good for appliance pic up and curb shopping on garbage days nights....but not for haulin cars and farm equipment ect. wold be a waste of money plus extra taxes plates insurance, would be cheaper to rent a van if i had to for 40 bucks a day thanks my biz partner has the same truck as i do and between the 2 of us and our trailers were good. just means i have to take a more of an administrative roll for the next couple weeks. and our new direction has been e waste. We've been getting alot of calls last few months for cleaning out offices that have closed and people having hoards of old fax machines and computers ect in there garages or basements. Were hoping the E waste will keep us busy over the slow period in the winter months. i can strip computers while i'm in my ice hut lol at this point i have an agreement with two other guys that 10-15% of profit depending on the material and size of the load comes back to the company to pay for the call/ advertising/ biz cards ect. and me answering the phone. i live in a yuppie town image is everything, thats what separates us over the guys that just curb shop. all my guys are bonded and don't drive rusted out chit boxes, just loud horny diesels, full pullers lol. were in the process of going legit, just working out the logistics of it all.....learning everyday

  11. #9
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cummins View Post
    You nailed it, were working on a new biz plan, new logo, new name....and ads and flyer. Drive line shop just called input shaft and tourq converter are shot, 2400 to 2800 for shift kit, hd tourq conveter and labour....
    Yea, those Dodge's are nice but real expensive when they break down.
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  13. #10
    Libertytow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Yea, those Dodge's are nice but real expensive when they break down.
    that"s why i have 3 parts trucks in back 3 good rears 3 good trannys 12 good tires and enough body parts well you get the idea
    Liberty Towing & Recycling
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  15. #11
    ocedy is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Sorry to hear about your truck. I'm not sure what a used part would cost. I would not waste 500 or more on a bs beater that will cost you more in the long run. You might can find a tranny and other parts on cl. This is my opion but I'm looking at the cost of a second truck. Just weight your options.
    Good luck

  16. #12
    scrapGAME is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    sorry boss but i cannot agree with you here .. i drove a 1985 ford f150 straight six for 3 years --- paid 500 bucks for it in williams ca and it did everything - towed cars-2 k + of scrap metals-trash hauling .... wasn't very pretty but the best money maker i had ....

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  18. #13
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    This is why I run old school Chevys and have lots of parts. I can have a 400 rebuilt with new t/c for under 700$. And still have 2 spare motors, two front clips, 8 rear diffs, well you get the pic.
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  19. #14
    scrapGAME is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by taterjuice View Post
    This is why I run old school Chevys and have lots of parts. I can have a 400 rebuilt with new t/c for under 700$. And still have 2 spare motors, two front clips, 8 rear diffs, well you get the pic.
    yeah i know ... parts r cheap and plentiful .... when i changed the spark plugs in my 85 ford i was standing inside the hood between the steering box and engine and all i had to do was bend down to get to all six plugs ...

  20. #15
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapGAME View Post
    yeah i know ... parts r cheap and plentiful .... when i changed the spark plugs in my 85 ford i was standing inside the hood between the steering box and engine and all i had to do was bend down to get to all six plugs ...
    Try to find the plugs on one of the new ones, man they have the "crap" crammed in there. It may not be crap, I guess some of that is where the outrageous MPG claims are coming from.

  21. #16
    cummins is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Wouldn't be able to afford the gas in a ol skool chevy lol, my tuck is cheaper on fuel then my old tribute 4cyl, no ill stick with my dodge diesels, itv sucks that the transmission went but its original with 350oookm, was a land scape and plow truck for 15 years before I bought it. The 2800 for a re build and hd tourq converter is a good investment, it was bound to go at some point.

  22. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Libertytow View Post
    that"s why i have 3 parts trucks in back 3 good rears 3 good trannys 12 good tires and enough body parts well you get the idea
    are you trying to say something
    expect the worst and hope for the best
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  23. #18
    cummins is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Sounds like a set up tow company, lol ill have a couple old goats out back for parts soon enough...

  24. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by cummins View Post
    Wouldn't be able to afford the gas in a ol skool chevy lol, my tuck is cheaper on fuel then my old tribute 4cyl, no ill stick with my dodge diesels, itv sucks that the transmission went but its original with 350oookm, was a land scape and plow truck for 15 years before I bought it. The 2800 for a re build and hd tourq converter is a good investment, it was bound to go at some point.
    What's the repair bill ? 2500 or so ? Thatd buy a lot of gas ! You'll have to save a bunch of fuel to make up that difference ! Petersons 4wd had an article, couple years back, on the old diesel vs gas debate. Conclusion was diesels got about 30%, or so, better mpg and diesel is about 30% more expensive than gas. So to me, it's a wash. My opinion is the one and only thing gained by diesels, aside from higher repair bills when they brake down, is power.

  25. #20
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    I prefer to look at truck cost as Cost per Mile rather then MPG. Every time I get the itch to buy a diesel and run the numbers my cheap Scottish as$ won't let me do it.
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