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OK I know for you long time heavy duty scrappers this isn't much but on my scrap yard/recycle center run today I ended up with 117 lbs of stuff, totalling $49.04.
I was hoping for at least $35. So after paying my scrapping helper $2 (she is 5yrs old) and cost of gas I netted $40. Hey $35 will go to my grass cutter, leaving $5 for ME !
I did not take any of my copper yet and still have a load of more shred and aluminum. My trunk was full so will have to make another trip while copper price is up (2.91 for BB)
Yea me and my helper ! It was a good experience as they were very friendly to my grandaughter, letting her dump a small box of wire into the bucket and giving her a magnet. That made her day.
This was the second scrap yard I have been to and I actually drove 43 miles round trip while the other scrap yard is one I pass right by 3 days a week. Have to decide if it's worth driving out of the way to get better service, friendly helpful people and a clean place to drop off as opposed to a dumpy/grumpy, dirty SCRAP yard that I pass right by.......
Now to find MORE stuff to scrap !!
Find yourself a cheap, but workable lawn more, and pocket the other $35. Although that is a decent price to pay!
Yeah, hold out on copper, brass, any non ferrous until you absolutely need to turn it in, and when prices are high. Even then, just turn in what you need to, to get by. Copper and brass are like your nests eggs. As long as you have some, you will always have money around!
I know how your granddaughter feels. My oldest is 6 and loves going with me when she can. She loves seeing the big cranes pick up really big objects and moving them around.
I personally would deal with the better customer service and cleaner grounds. Replacing tires is not cheap, and non friendly service can sometimes lead to headaches, so if you can afford to, I would do that.