Check out the others posts on LNB's Lousy, before ya go yanking down your dish. lol.
They are light, but a fun find when you yank them suckers out. I know Mech, myself, an Trot have all posted on them in past. Not sure if Mech gets as many as me an Trot but, I think we can all agree it's good to have a direct tv, dish, or Hughes connection. I don't get many dish ones myself, but Directv ones can be gold plated, or silver. An according to Etack Hughes tend to be the best. I've never had one, but he's a source you can trust for info on them, same with Mech an Trot.
That said..I love them, an have been collecting them for awhile now. They've filled up most of my "OMG ITS GOLD™" bucket.
Edit to add: Make sure you enjoy removing screws. There are a lot in them!
Sirscrapalot - Golden on all the way.