1. Be respectful, don't smash and grab. You are dishonoring the trade and leaving a bad example of what we do.
2. Be professional. You are doing a service to the environment and making some cash as well. Be proud of it.
3. Never ever steal. No amount of scrap is worth getting locked up for. Think of those you love, what would they think
4. Only pay for scrap if you truly have to.
5. Set up a network and build good communication with your surroundings. Get some
business cards.
6. (Almost like #1) Don't make a mess of your work area or anyone else's for that matter. Everything counts.
7. If you use the Internet to get freebies, brush up on your writing skills. It helps with clients/customer.
8. Don't be in a rush, scrapers drive slow and look fast. You cover a lot of grounds that way.
9. Educate yourself on your craft so when you speak about your trade, you will sound knowledgable/smart.
10. Take the time to teach another scraper how to do things the RIGHT way.
Pass this on to as many current and up and coming scrapers as possible. Add to the list if necessary.