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  1. #1
    bigdog72 started this thread.
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    thanks for the help! follow up to getting a car on the trailer

    so once again thanks to the help from many of you on here I was able to complete another first for me. I picked up a car last weekend and thanks to your help it went smoothly and didn't take very long. I ended up just using jacks, got it up as high as I could then squeezed the trailer in the garage and under it, the door way was just big enough for the trailer with less than an inch on either side. then switched the jacks around a little and pulled it on no problem with a come a long. once I get a new trailer there will be a winch on it haha dropped it off at the yard today and made a easy 97 bucks from that. also want to say thanks to my friends dad for letting me use his truck and trailer, I'll explain that if someone wants to know haha all in all it was a great weekend thanks to everyone for there help again I will do my best to return the favor

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