Hey everyone. I picked up a Whirlpool Water Chiller/Heater today and I am trying to fix it to flip it on Craigslist, but I can't figure out where this thing is leaking. It was pulled out of commission after it peed itself in a local businesses office (I was there when it happened and I cleaned it up. Got my foot in the door to it though). It leakes in the bottom left hand corner, and has a pretty steady stream of water coming out of it that doesn't really stop. The compressor and heater are fine, so I want to sell it and make a good $40-$50 off of it on Craigslist if I can get it to stop leaking. If anyone has any ideas on how to get this thing to stop peeing all over my garage, I would appreciate it. Thanks- Gravitar
Sorry for the big photos btw,
The machine from the front^
Where the water leak is^
From the inside of where it's leaking^
The what I think is water heater tank that has a whole bunch of rust on the bottom. I thought this was where it was leaking from, but nothing is dripping now. I made a stupid move and didn't put on new tape over the old stuff to hold the bottom foam on before I put the coil back on it. Facepalm. I will have to fix that later.