so last month a friend of my uncles boss died and said hey were cleaning out this house and got some stuff for ya and awesome enough 3 truck loads of mixed stuff and was happy. he contacted me a few days later and says his daughter has a bunch of computers and gave her you number and said alright cool. well a few weeks later to the beginning of the month and I head over and before she even opened the door she warns me there is a lot and I said ok and the revel and omg a huge pile 14ft high going back to the 60's of computers. over 300 in all and I was not even the first crack at these a company about 80miles from me not naming names refused to pick them up with out charging her $10each monitor and no these are not just separate monitors these are built it not just all in ones but nice, well horrid shape but nice built in units a few screws and boom its off. along with $50 in boards and ics. I call this the museum load because the fact it could go into one but into my collection instead, like a huge hp hard drive about 70lbs with 14in platters, so awesome boards and lots of ics and stuff. here are some of the pics below and will be adding more as I go cause it will take a bit to get through the load but wow not fast enough I put up one 10lb lot on ebay of heavy gold boards with ics and sold for $225 already. its taken 15 truck loads so far and when they go through more of this building these were in she will call me for the rest of what they can find.
the huge hp hard drive
this is the 14in platters and the arm even has gold ics and hp in gold
some of the heavy ic boards that are yummy to find
some of the heavy gold boards
some of the loads