I decided to make up some flyers and passed a few out last week, and got my first call tonight! A lady is moving and she
needed to get rid of a dryer and when I showed up she and her son unloaded 3 vacuum cleaners a HP computer tower, and a gas grill as well. Real close to home too.
Yesterday the wife and I made our monthly trip to the Drs and made 2 stops along the way. We did a curb alert and got a TV, toaster, chandelier, some other lighting, and ironing board at one, and another one yielded 2 more TV's, and some
metal yard decorations, but the kicker was the lady at this top insisted on paying me 20.00 to take it all! I refused to accept the check
because I advertised free hauling but she said if I didn't take the check the deal was off!
What a nice lady. I thanked her and I left her my flyer and told her I am available once a month when I pass through.
I already have at least twice the weight I had last month in the shed, and fuel to drive to the docs was free!
I've been bummed out for so long this really gives me boost.