So I took my son for a doctor's appointment, and I figured I might as well take the day off. When he wasn't going down for his afternoon nap, I figured I might as well take him out for a drive, and since he'd be in his car seat sleeping, and it was garbage day, I figured I might as well take the scenic route to the old logging bridge washout about 15 minutes away from my house. A spot I would often use to go take pictures in my pre-parenthood days where I noticed was often used as a dumping ground. Unfortunately nothing was left behind from garbage pickup (garbage crews don't pickup
ewaste in Sudbury, but people still try and leave them out), and the washout was empty. Luckily, I noticed a shine out of the corner of my eye. With the baby comfortably out cold in the back, I walked over to check out the situation. Since this is also a popular camping area, there's usually beer empties left behind. And since cans fetch $0.05 apiece and beer and liquor bottles get $0.10 apiece, the full 2-4 of bottles plus random cans and 26ers piled up covered the gas for my trip. So in the end, I didn't get any scrapping opportunities, but I did get an trip to a spot I haven't seen in over a year, my son got his nap, and I got enough empties to cover my day.
Just thought I'd share.