I wanted to share this with the members,about two months ago there was a scrap lot on public surplus auction it was in Boca raton about 10 miles from me,I went to look at the lot in advance of the auction,well it was for a lot of signal lite poles,it was a large lot 88 poles.i took my tape measure with me, we'll the shortest pole was 27 feet long about 6 the balance were 45 feet long,they were thick steel,heavy we could not budge them by hand.when I bid on auction items I always figure less than more to cover any surprises.The auction had a disclaimer that the winning bider would have to have workman's comp insurance because of the size, weight,and scope of work to remove the lot of poles,because they were on city property.well I bid 1400.00 for the lot going on the calculation of 1000 lbs per pole x 88 poles= 44 net tons the price was 260. A ton for over sized unprepared.this left me a nice profit after expenses.i do have a 28 foot flat bed and a 40 foot all pro gooseneck trailer,and two fork lifts.I also figured there would be less bidders on the lot because of the disclaimer,so my proxy bid of 1400.00 would be my max.well the auction went off and when it passed my bid I said God bless him.the next bid was 1425.00 and was the winning bid.I was pissed but forgot about the deal,last week I get a email if I would consider taking The lot for my bid of 1400.00 the winning bidder could not produce the workman,s comp,I call my steel yard for a price now,price went down to 200.00 a net ton for unprepared,did the math a sent them back yes I would take them up on there offer,we'll it was a good day to be a scrapper,with my equipment and hiring the tractor trailer we loaded up with the fork lift the lot in two days,in the end we recovered 54 tons of material.They were a little heavier than I thought,It payed to be legit and will alway,s I did a video of some of the job I hope I can post it.