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  1. #1
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Just when you think you can't get any further down in the dumps....

    Something good happens!

    last nights run was pretty blah, just over 600 lbs of steel and not much else. Guess the heat kept everyone indoors until morning to put trash out.

    As I was loading my truck almost ready to run it up to the yard, mom and dad came pulling in from their morning exercise run - there are mowers and a mulcher up a ways ready to be had!

    well crap, my trucks full lol.

    Gotta take dads SUV which she NEVER lets mowers into and she says ''OK.'' Whoa!

    hop in and see that the trash man has been on the street ahead of us. Well crap once again

    Dads almost ready to turn around and THERE THEY ARE!!!! They're still there!!

    I picked up the mulcher and trying to wiggle it into the car when i notice the gas cap is off - THATS why the garbage man left them, he took the caps off all the machines and left them because they still had gas in them!! lucky for ME!!

    Manage to fit 2 mowers and a mulcher into the SUV and get them home and the mower works!! Another good one for me to keep or sell!! Yay!!!

    Mulcher has good compression and almost turns over, I'm confident I can get that going also to sell no problem!

    At the yard, ran into a local scrapper who stopped me to talk and we exchanged numbers for buying computers if he gets any since he doesn't break down, just turns in whole . Said he had no problem saving them for me at $4 each as long as they are whole . AND he gave me some tips for other localities garbage days and some ways to get some AC's and such!!

    Gave him a flyer to pass along too.

    so, just when i thought my Sunday run was kerap I learned that I need to adjust my driving times to fit the garbage mans schedule and not load my truck up at night and do a run in the morning at the top of my area since the garbage gets put out the same day as pickup AND got my name and number out for some Escrap too!!!

    now, moms gonna want her car cleaned back out again and I just did it a month ago lol

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  3. #2
    Kochy's Avatar
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    Is this spose to be a sad or good thread? Cause when I clicked on the title I thought I was going to be reading something bad, but its good it wasn't. Good job on the finds!

    Edit: Apparently I didn't read the first sentence lol.

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  5. #3
    Bear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Seems to me it's Always darkest before the dawn ; )

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  7. #4
    TheRecycler's Avatar
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    Like I told you fellas, it's not a matter of if you will find scrap, it's when. What we are playing with is evolution and human physiology. People have evolved to just throw things out and it's human physiology of out of sight, out of mind. That's when you will find stuff.
    Your Trash-My Cash
    Yours Truly, TheRecycler:

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  9. #5
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Even on cloudy days the sun is still shining, you just have to wait till the clouds clear out. Job well done.

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  11. #6
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    Even a rainy day can have a golden sunset ! Congrats by the way !
    Alvord iron and salvage
    3rd generation scrapper and dam proud of it

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