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the lion the leech and the locksmith

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    travistemple202020 started this thread.
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    the lion the leech and the locksmith

    so i get a call from a church that seen my posting on clist and asked me if i would pick up a very heavy small safe yesterday and i would pick it up this morning and told me they had to have it opened hence why the next day. now that was all good either 2-400lbs steel or a resale safe if it was fixed. which i like doing as not to fast forward but my buddy does security installs and is a locksmith so he makes a bit off me and i get parts cheap and a nice profit on resale. anyway, we get there and he says sorry i did not call you but the company never showed up yesterday to open it. so we both are grinning and i said not thinking about the fact were in church and he is a minister, foot in mouth, well god must be on your side today cause he is a locksmith. so after a few minutes of talking my buddy takes my truck to get his tools the minister talks to me about how this is so old and no one knows if there is anything in there cause it was an old office not used anymore and blah blah blah church stuff.
    so my buddy gets back and he only charges him $35 since we are going to take the safe and already here and about 20min later he steps aside to let the minister open it and we all are laughing when he does cause whats inside a small stuffed lion and very old leech bait which the minister explains the guy who had this office had a daughter which is now 19 hence the lion but not sure if he fished and why put any of it in the safe so it was something fun to ask him the next time he comes to church. so it turned out to be a great morning my buddy made some extra money off him and another $50 off me but that's all good cause i will be able to get about $300 since its a common safe no 1910 gold etched York

  2. The Following 2 Users say Thank You for This Post by travistemple202020:

  3. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    cool deal man

  4. #3
    copycat's Avatar
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    stuff lion was an evil spirit you let out! Just joking. Great find!

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