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toner cartridges empty or not

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  1. #1
    wadarbr549 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    toner cartridges empty or not

    hi folks, i went to an auction today and i ended up with a box of 6 toner cartridges for a dell 100 lazer printer.i was told they were brand new but the boxes got tore up so they were put in an old cardboard question is how can i tell if they are new or not.i am still very new to this and if they are new as i was told id like to put them on ebay.they do look very clean ive handled them for the past 25 minutes looking the numbers up on em finding out what brand they are and my hands are clean as can be.if anyone can give me some advice on a way to see if they are used of not id greatly asppreciate it..i filled a full size pickup truck overflowing for 11 dollars at a county auction,got 8 towers and a bunch of odds and ends,alot of things im not sure what they are. anyhow thanks for any advice id greatly appreciate it

  2. #2
    BroJer's Avatar
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    First, like I said when we spoke on the phone, ya really need to get a camera, and learn how to post pics. It would help all of us, if there were pics to review, to be able to answer questions. Especially about the items you have no idea what they are.

    On the toner. If they were NOT in a sealed plastic bag, I would find it hard to believe they are new, and just out of a bad box. You can look up the original specs, get the weight, and compare it to the weight of one of yours.

    If you want to give me a call later I should be around most of the day.

    Eleven bucks for a truckload of goodies???

    Don't start tearing it all apart, until you do the research on the items ya don't know about. I picked up a load of really old krap, and a few goodies, out of a school the other day. 1950 projectors, busted slide projectors, overhead projectors, Vcr's, stack of broken laptops, etc... figured it was going to be a 150+$ load. Until, I got to three little boxes at the bottom of the barrel I leave there. 70+ calculators. Most are TI89's Titanium's. Spent 3 hours researching, testing, then listing 30 of them on fleecebay. They all sold within 2 hours. Sold them in lots of 10. Net, after fees and shipping....drumrollllllll 1200.00 DING DING DING Already had a box of others ones here that I did not want to mess with. Soooooo I still have about 50 more to go through. Like I said, I will prolly be roun most the day ;-)

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  4. #3
    TheRecycler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BroJer View Post
    First, like I said when we spoke on the phone, ya really need to get a camera, and learn how to post pics. It would help all of us, if there were pics to review, to be able to answer questions. Especially about the items you have no idea what they are.

    On the toner. If they were NOT in a sealed plastic bag, I would find it hard to believe they are new, and just out of a bad box. You can look up the original specs, get the weight, and compare it to the weight of one of yours.

    If you want to give me a call later I should be around most of the day.

    Eleven bucks for a truckload of goodies???

    Don't start tearing it all apart, until you do the research on the items ya don't know about. I picked up a load of really old krap, and a few goodies, out of a school the other day. 1950 projectors, busted slide projectors, overhead projectors, Vcr's, stack of broken laptops, etc... figured it was going to be a 150+$ load. Until, I got to three little boxes at the bottom of the barrel I leave there. 70+ calculators. Most are TI89's Titanium's. Spent 3 hours researching, testing, then listing 30 of them on fleecebay. They all sold within 2 hours. Sold them in lots of 10. Net, after fees and shipping....drumrollllllll 1200.00 DING DING DING Already had a box of others ones here that I did not want to mess with. Soooooo I still have about 50 more to go through. Like I said, I will prolly be roun most the day ;-)
    Fleecebay, really? Are you sure?
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  5. #4
    BroJer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheRecycler View Post
    Fleecebay, really? Are you sure?
    ummmmmm wellllllllllll YUP. Last I checked that is my opinion.

  6. #5
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    Brojer gave some of the best advise and a relevent example of why we need to do research before getting out the big hammer, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  8. #6
    wadarbr549 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    thank you both,ive been researching all morning on the web,and it seems like some of the big copiers i got and the motorolla parts are selling on ebay.if my step daughter comes in todaY ill have her put some pics on here for me.she also does my ebay photos.ive already made 2 sales for almost 90 dollars total in less than a week on ebay. i have the brain boxes that ran all the metal detectors in the courthouse and also several sony trinitrons. all of the stuff would have to be sold for parts cause i had to load 2 truckloads in to one truck if you no what i mean so stuff got bent and broke i wasnt gentle at all.also it all got rained on last nite

  9. #7
    Bear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    looks like the toner cartridges would have a sealing tape somewhere if they'd never been installed. You should also be able to tell something by the weight

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  11. #8
    wadarbr549 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    they do have a silver tape sticker on one end that says waranty seal.the other side has a bar code label.after i read your post i examined them further and it appears there is a hole under the sticker that says waranty seal.these are the first toner cartridges ive ever saw so i have no idea how much a full one or an empty one would weigh

  12. #9
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    these are the first toner cartridges ive ever saw so i have no idea how much a full one or an empty one would weigh
    Maybe you could Google it like you were trying to buy one and something like Amazon or some other site may come up with the shipping weight. Closer than a guess.
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  14. #10
    Bear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I've actually never had a full one that I know of, at least not a sealed full one. I did get an old printer a year or so back that had one in, which I removed. It had already spread a good bit in my trailer. It went into a box of other stuff, that it also powdered up fairly well. It finally got put into a plastic grocery bag, from which it also found a leak, and managed to get all over another box, after which it got a second bag put over it. I think it's still in there somewhere , haha, but I wouldn't care to dig it out to weigh it ; )

  15. #11
    wadarbr549 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    these particular cartridges dont have a brand name on them,they have a sticker on the top that says compatible with dell 1100,then stamped on the plastic there it says >ps-hj< then there is a small sticker that says EN then a bar code lable which has 2 numbers 200839274k1100 and 10519631xy*e2337 then on the other end there is a silver sticker that reads waranty seal. i done more reaserch a few minutes ago and i think that seal has to be broke to use them. im not sure though ill check when i tear the printers apart..i wish it had a brand name id look for the weight.i can find several like it but all are different brands and the handles look slightly different on in no big hurry i have so much to break down at the moment i am very busy.and i just got 2 s 10 blazers today. one will surley have to be stripped but i may be able to just sell the other one out right.i drove them both to my house one is 100 % junk but one is real nice ,just rough looking.anyhow ill keep thos toners put up in the house till i find out one way or another.i think i may take them to staples and see if they can tell me.i basicly have nothing in them so its no big deal but it would be cool to get 30 or 40 dollars out of them

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  17. #12
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    Ok here is the answer.

    You have either a remanufactured cartridge (refilled and checked) or just a generic toner catridge compatable with the dell 1100 series printer.

    All new or remanufactured catridged are sealed in a black heavy plastiic bag inside the box. If the bag is opened then you need to look for a piece ot tape typically with a blue end...will run along the frint of the cartridge. This keeps the toner in the cartridge...when installing said cartridge you remoce this where the toner can come out to print. If you have NO removable seal like this...they are used and I wpuld vengure to guess empty or close to it...otherwise why would they have pulled it out of the printer?

    Generic full cartridges for that printer (it is a popular laser model btw) should get you $20-40 from what I remember (check ebay solds)...if empty, best bet isthe sstaples/office depot/office max buyback program...they are worth $2 in credit for the store for each you turn in (you can do 10 per month at each place).

    Hope that helps...and yes computers are my thing and what I normally deal wuth in resale and ewaste scrap.

  18. #13
    volvoscrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by webuyselltradestuff View Post
    Ok here is the answer.

    You have either a remanufactured cartridge (refilled and checked) or just a generic toner catridge compatable with the dell 1100 series printer.

    Generic full cartridges for that printer (it is a popular laser model btw) should get you $20-40 from what I remember (check ebay solds)...if empty, best bet isthe sstaples/office depot/office max buyback program...they are worth $2 in credit for the store for each you turn in (you can do 10 per month at each place).
    If they are remanufactured and still fulll, I would bet they probably malfunctioned soon after the wrapper came off.

    Whatever the case, I wouldn't sell these on Feebay at any price. You're just looking for trouble. I would use the Staples program as webuyselltradestuff suggested above.

    you're already WAAAAYYY ahead on this $12 truckload, don't be a pig. Remember as they say on Wall Street -- Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered.

    congrats on some great auction buys!
    Last edited by volvoscrapper; 07-01-2013 at 09:49 AM.

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  20. #14
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    Guys I just dont underatand the resistance to ebay. Yes they take a 8-10% fee...but an auction takes a min of 20%. You get. Worldwide audience where someone will most likely need what you have for sale AND you can check what things are selling for (by checking solds). All of this from the comfort of your home. On top of that the buyer pays for shipping....I just cant imagine a better place to get ride of random least not one so widely used. I actually just opened a store on there as I have been getting so much stuff valued for "more than scrap"..

  21. #15
    BroJer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by webuyselltradestuff View Post
    Guys I just dont underatand the resistance to ebay. Yes they take a 8-10% fee...but an auction takes a min of 20%. You get. Worldwide audience where someone will most likely need what you have for sale AND you can check what things are selling for (by checking solds). All of this from the comfort of your home. On top of that the buyer pays for shipping....I just cant imagine a better place to get ride of random least not one so widely used. I actually just opened a store on there as I have been getting so much stuff valued for "more than scrap"..
    Everything you have said is true! And, I agree!! I have been selling since 02.

    It was way different back then. Sellers can have funds tied up a lot easier now, because some yahoo complains, and it is normally a result of, they did not read the listing, or, take the time to contact the seller PRIOR to throwing a temper tantrum. ie... I got an email from them a while back. The buyer never contacted me first, threw a hissy fit because it was the wrong product, HE OPENED THE WRONG BOX! His son had something delivered at the same time, in his name, but from someone, somewhere, else.

    BUT, I work for myself to support my family NOT have a listings where fleecebay and PP and the PO end up making more then I do! And who owns PP?? FLEECEBAY.

    So, that is, and will remain, MY opinion, which is based on my years of being on there.

    I hope that your store will prosper and do well! I pray that you never have your funds tied up, or have to eat a sale, to keep a good reputation.

    What I am surprised at, is in allllllllllllllllll the good info that has been shared in this thread, one little tag word... got so much attention! Lets get back to helping the OP, and each other, to be safe, knowledgeable and prosperous, in our trade!!

    Many blessings to all! +++BroJer

    (NEED A Sirscrapalotism inserted here!!!!!!)

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  23. #16
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    Or as we say....pig get fat...hogs get slaughtered

  24. #17
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    well you can always use the toner in another cart say if you have a laser printer . just find the right place to drill the hole and shake shake shake .. before anyone gets to excited, i bought a recharging franchise so 20 years or so back way before most had heard of recharging toner carts. and found for my personal use it was much easier to just drill a hole in an appropriate place and plug it after filling and skip all the break down cleaning and wand replacement worked fine fore 3 or 4 refills at 2500 plus copies per and 10 mins work it worked for me - and no i never did anything but a proper for the recharges for my customers

  25. #18
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Brojer...ask an you shall receive!

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