Originally Posted by
Guys I just dont underatand the resistance to ebay. Yes they take a 8-10% fee...but an auction takes a min of 20%. You get. Worldwide audience where someone will most likely need what you have for sale AND you can check what things are selling for (by checking solds). All of this from the comfort of your home. On top of that the buyer pays for shipping....I just cant imagine a better place to get ride of random stuff....at least not one so widely used. I actually just opened a store on there as I have been getting so much stuff valued for "more than scrap"..
Everything you have said is true! And, I agree!! I have been selling since 02.
It was way different back then. Sellers can have funds tied up a lot easier now, because some yahoo complains, and it is normally a result of, they did not read the listing, or, take the time to contact the seller PRIOR to throwing a temper tantrum. ie... I got an email from them a while back. The buyer never contacted me first, threw a hissy fit because it was the wrong product, HE OPENED THE WRONG BOX! His son had something delivered at the same time, in his name, but from someone, somewhere, else.
BUT, I work for myself to support my family NOT have a listings where fleecebay and PP and the PO end up making more then I do! And who owns PP?? FLEECEBAY.
So, that is, and will remain, MY opinion, which is based on my years of being on there.
I hope that your store will prosper and do well! I pray that you never have your funds tied up, or have to eat a sale, to keep a good reputation.
What I am surprised at, is in allllllllllllllllll the good info that has been shared in this thread, one little tag word... got so much attention! Lets get back to helping the OP, and each other, to be safe, knowledgeable and prosperous, in our trade!!
Many blessings to all! +++BroJer
(NEED A Sirscrapalotism inserted here!!!!!!)