Originally Posted by
Long as people continue to go to a yard with shady tactics like that, the yard will still be around screwing folks.
I've got 2 yards near me that are kinda like that. Both are within 20 mins or so, but i travel up the road to my preferred yard. No bs, and they pay me what my stuff is worth when I bring it. No nickle an dime bs for water spots, rust, to much plastic, to much this to much that..bah!
Sirscrapalot - Was born at night, but not last night.
Agree with this, I take various things to different yards because of these things.
But I try not to view the yard negatively, and I don't consider their practices shady. I look at them as my customer, because in reality, they are my customer. They can offer less money for something if it isn't attractive to them, just as I might do when I'm at a shoe store and the floor sample is the only thing left in my size. The shoe store might decide that they can sell it to someone else, and if we don't make a deal, I would hope they don't accuse me of shady tactics.
Now, if they tinker with the scale, that's shady. If they change phone prices when you arrive in person, that's downright crooked. But being fussy about what they buy, or trying to negotiate a lower cost of goods? That's just capitalism.
Not trying to argue here, just offering a different point of view.