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Ever hear this statement

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    pcscrapper started this thread.
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    Ever hear this statement

    I goto My scrap buy.. unload my truck.. and I've got a couple nice big slap of al from a printing press weighs about 40lbs each..

    they tell me.. its dirty al.. and I asked why they say cuzz its got black factory anodized spray on it.. so its value is less then shiny al.

    or another issues was.. it had a sticker on it.. so its value is less.. and I'm like WTF.. LOL.. come on.. a sticker.. here let me peel it off .. now what the value.. oh.. its still less then pure al.. cuzz its got sticky stuff on it..

    Really... so I gather all of My scrap up.. approx 418lbs of al.. and went else where.. You ever get the feeling that they are tring to cheat you out.. ?

    Really a STICKER...... Uggghh.. bottom line.. its like CPU heatsink.. You know the black one.. or the gold one.. red one.. they say nothing about them... but when You bring in a nice big slap of al... They GO BLING BLING.. I'm gonna git this cheap...

    Well.. I didn't fall for it... and I'm glad that I didn't .. cuzz.. I got clean al price for it..

    So.. bottom line.. anyone else gone thru this.?

    STICKER>>> Really..
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  3. #2
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    Yea,find another yard

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  5. #3
    ryanw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pcscrapper View Post
    Really... so I gather all of My scrap up.. approx 418lbs of al.. and went else where.. You ever get the feeling that they are tring to cheat you out.. ?
    I thought the same thing just as I read this. Good choice. I'm sure most of the business this yard gets wouldn't want to take the trouble to move on. You also knew to find out the grade before everything was weighed up and they had possession of it. No need to give them your business.

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  7. #4
    brandon's Avatar
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    I just had a yard try to pay me sheet ali for 99 lbs of extruded, I made them but it back in my car,
    My fortune cookie said:
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  9. #5
    cummins's Avatar
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    I almost got stuck with a load on my trailer on the long weekend 3 local yards were closed found one further north that was open he deducted me 250 lbs because I had a trailer on my trailer full of rear ends, 3 antque rims with tires and ply wood sides on the trailer. That's a little much, I asked him if he deducted half the weight of a fridge because of all the plastic, when some over brings it in, no response, same guy will offer you 20$ for a cat when you know you can get 97$ 20mim down the road.

  10. #6
    wadarbr549's Avatar
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    thats awful,i can actualy leave a fewe small screws in things and as long as they know i tried to remove them they never say find a new yard asap

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  12. #7
    auminer's Avatar
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    Posts like these make me glad I live in a metro like Dallas. Yards can't afford to get a rep for these kinda tricks since there are dozens of other yards around that'll be glad to get your business & will give you an honest payout.
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  14. #8
    pcscrapper started this thread.
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    well, there are only a few yards in town.. that buys this stuff.. So.. I tend to go out of town..

    here is another example.. tell Me if I'm wrong.. a ton of steel is a ton of steel.. computer cases... Right.? Now If I'm wrong.. I'll kiss the ground.. where my dog crapped..

    Because the steel is only this thin.. I get less then half the value of it.. I mean come on.. steel is steel..

    Gave them a dumpster and they deducted it,, because there was rust on it.. I don't do business with that company anymore as they only do that.. because they are the only one in town that takes metal.. so I got bright.. and travel 80 miles to get better prices.

  15. #9
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Long as people continue to go to a yard with shady tactics like that, the yard will still be around screwing folks.

    I've got 2 yards near me that are kinda like that. Both are within 20 mins or so, but i travel up the road to my preferred yard. No bs, and they pay me what my stuff is worth when I bring it. No nickle an dime bs for water spots, rust, to much plastic, to much this to much that..bah!

    Sirscrapalot - Was born at night, but not last night.

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  17. #10
    NobleMetalWorks's Avatar
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    There is a real simple and easy way to clean up anodized Al so that the yard won't hassle you. If you would like to know you can look it up on youtube on your own, read the posts on GRF that pertain to it. But I'm not going to post it in this thread because it has to do with a chemical process, and I think the intent is to keep that type of thing off this forum in general.

    At the heart of science is an essential balance between two seemingly contradictory attitudes--an openness to new ideas, no matter how bizarre or counterintuitive they may be, and the most ruthless skeptical scrutiny of all ideas, old and new. This is how deep truths are winnowed from deep nonsense. -- Carl Sagan

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  19. #11
    volvoscrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Long as people continue to go to a yard with shady tactics like that, the yard will still be around screwing folks.

    I've got 2 yards near me that are kinda like that. Both are within 20 mins or so, but i travel up the road to my preferred yard. No bs, and they pay me what my stuff is worth when I bring it. No nickle an dime bs for water spots, rust, to much plastic, to much this to much that..bah!

    Sirscrapalot - Was born at night, but not last night.
    Agree with this, I take various things to different yards because of these things.

    But I try not to view the yard negatively, and I don't consider their practices shady. I look at them as my customer, because in reality, they are my customer. They can offer less money for something if it isn't attractive to them, just as I might do when I'm at a shoe store and the floor sample is the only thing left in my size. The shoe store might decide that they can sell it to someone else, and if we don't make a deal, I would hope they don't accuse me of shady tactics.

    Now, if they tinker with the scale, that's shady. If they change phone prices when you arrive in person, that's downright crooked. But being fussy about what they buy, or trying to negotiate a lower cost of goods? That's just capitalism.

    Not trying to argue here, just offering a different point of view.

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  21. #12
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    Yep and if dealing with a yard can always ask for a manager or owner to relook at something. Just have to pick your battles...but the 1st time you assert youtlr rights as a customer and the boss wotks with will be far less likely that the yard guy will screw with you again as he k ows you will just go over his head.

    If the owner is doing it, well, all you can do is reason with him or move your business to another yard.

  22. #13
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I chose to move my business to another yard. I don't like how I'm treated, I move on. It makes my life much more simpler and stress free, an hell it's a nice hour drive to my yard, an gets me off the sandbar for an hour or three.

    Volvo, I hear ya bud. No argument from here!

    Far as shady..I refer to some of the actions of the two yards near me,not anyone elses cept maybe the OP. Heh.

    Sirscrapalot - Life is to short to put up with BS. - Me

  23. #14
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    I would talk to management there and let them know whats going on, if they don't seem to care I would let everyone know the scam they are doing, could go to the local news to see if they want to do an investigative story on this!

  24. #15
    pcscrapper started this thread.
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    I agree talking to manager will maybe help.. but here the deal.. You already off loaded... go reweigh your truck.. head into the office.. oh.. thats less then half the value of steel meaning.. since its computer cases.. and its this thin.. we pay less then your normal tonage price of 190.00 I end up getting 62.00 per tons.. and I brought in four tons. go figure the math.. So I said.. Well lets head back out to the pile and load my stuff back up.. a ton of metal is a ton of metal... they said You loaded it back up.. We'll watch.. I said.. what ever.. your name has been written in the little black book of bull****.. and I left..

    yards like this is just way to crooked... So I did find one up in beresford and yah know.. what a ton is a ton and Got paid a ton

    Just make me sick..

    how can they sleep knowing that they are screwing people..

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  26. #16
    MatthiasGoliath's Avatar
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    When you're a scrapyard and you're shipping material out, it needs to be what you say it is. Therefore, I don't find it unreasonable to receive deductions for aluminum or any other commodity for that matter, that has other material on or in it. Basically, the deduction you receive should cover the cost of labor and time it takes to make your material "clean" so it can be sent out. There's nothing worse for a yard than having loads rejected and sent back, or receiving deductions on their end due to dirty material; that cost is generally passed on to the customer in the form of stricter rules and lower prices to compensate for the loss, standard business model really. As a rule of thumb, I give the material I turn in to my yard a "once-and-twice over" for anything that isn't supposed to be there because I like a better price, and the yard and it's workers really appreciate that.

  27. #17
    pcscrapper started this thread.
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    I would agree with you.. but yah know the funny part of this,,, they took them slab of goodies.. and tossed it in a gaylord with other al.. and while I was waiting for my moolah... they had another guy same stuff.. al.. and tossed it right on top of my so called.. Sticker deduction or lightly anodized paint.

    think they went to clean it up.. nah.. come on are you kidding me.. here's another example a Real Good one..

    CPU Heatsink.. there many colors right... blue, orange, red, black... lets call it rainbow colors... they take it as extruded.. and yah know they didn't even deduct...

    Realistically.. they knew what they were doing.. I'm not stupid.. I play along.. with the game.. but the end result.. I move on to another company.. and boy was I glad.

    so think about it,,, a sticker.. equal a deduction.. factory anodized paint equal a deduction.. but cpu heatsinks and motherboard heatsink.. same stuff.. NO DEDUCTION..

  28. #18
    Electrowaste's Avatar
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    Makes me glad I've got a decent yard to deal with. I am in a similar boat here recently. I have two yards very close to me, one pays very low prices and the other one pays good but tries like tricky maneuvers like the sticker and the rust deduction that PC Scraper was talking about. For me it's worth driving the two hour round trip and coming back feeling good about it as opposed to driving the 40 minute round trip and feeling like I got shafted. That feeling tends to last awhile and I won't put up with it ever again.

    Fool me once....

    Jeremy Burrage - Founder & CEO
    Electrowaste Recycling LLC, Guntersville, AL

  29. #19
    Tcgs's Avatar
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    This is all too common. The people are trained to buy low and Use your best judgment, the truth is,

    If they don't like you, your going to get their lowest price you will take.

    It really pays to be educated on what you actually have.

    And when you can say, "I'll go somewhere else"

    It helps to have volume so they actually value your scrap.

  30. #20
    ginofrater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cummins View Post
    I almost got stuck with a load on my trailer on the long weekend 3 local yards were closed found one further north that was open he deducted me 250 lbs because I had a trailer on my trailer full of rear ends, 3 antque rims with tires and ply wood sides on the trailer. That's a little much, I asked him if he deducted half the weight of a fridge because of all the plastic, when some over brings it in, no response, same guy will offer you 20$ for a cat when you know you can get 97$ 20mim down the road.
    It maybe the same Yard that offered me 0.06 lb for mixed steel ,wend 20 min down the road i got 0,10 lb.
    Last edited by ginofrater; 07-09-2013 at 11:35 AM.

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