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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Nice looking bottle and tastes great.

    Those quality vintage radios remain popular and sound great on the air. Mike.

    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  3. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    Nice looking bottle and tastes great.

    Those quality vintage radios remain popular and sound great on the air. Mike.
    Kinda like music, the tube amps always sound better. Same with ham radios.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  5. #23
    BroJer started this thread.
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    All the $$ they spent on this equipment and they insulated it by using a Turner Plus Three mic. Deserves at least a D104.

    Half tempted to run all this stuff up to you, Mec, so you can get it all fired your spare time ;-)

  6. #24
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    Not to offend you guys but I never got to be a Ham, I got into the CB ssb, we hung out in no-mans land between 40 and 10 meter.
    Worked on a quite a few Ham rigs in my day when my repair shop was still running tho.
    Just didn't like all the rules and regs of Ham, so we outlawed. Sure did like talking DX tho.
    unit688 on the side,,,

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  8. #25
    BroJer started this thread.
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    Same here Mec. But the only guys that I let work on my radios, amps, etc... were all old timers, that knew what they were doing, and either had a shop, or worked on electronics all their lives. Kinna like me being printer by trade. We are a dying breed.

    Everthing is made to be tossed out anymore. I am torn between having all of this looked at and fixed, or selling "as is". Either way, I do miss grabin the chicken choker, tuning up, and talkin between channels to the #1 Wallaby in Australia, or 15 minutes later to Manchester England! This equipment has made me miss my hobbies!

    will be 10-10 & 10-100 <tooo much COFFEEEEEEE ;-)

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  10. #26
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  12. #27
    BroJer started this thread.
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    What is mine is yours, Mec! hijack away!!!

    Memories??? Think I am having a flash back

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by BroJer View Post
    ...............I am torn between having all of this looked at and fixed, or selling "as is". .......
    Like many vintage collectors some want the item ready to plug and play and others want them to be as original as possible so they can do the repairs. Either way you scored some great rigs and I am happy you are knowlegable enough to recognize them and preserve them.

    I am not into vintage rigs myself but my first HF rig was a Heath Kit that was broken and I repaired it good enough to operate CW only. Nothing beats CW DXing and except casual rag chewing with a Morse code key. A little wire in the tree and talk with world. 73 Mike.

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  15. #29
    BroJer started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by miked View Post
    A little wire in the tree and talk with world. 73 Mike.
    yea, but know how that ends up. Next, ya have to have a tower, and beams, and a WHOLE ROOM full of STUFF! lol

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  17. #30
    BroJer started this thread.
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    After many hours of research, I was put in touch with a gentleman about 50 miles away, that has a heart for, and works on, Drake equipment. We came to an agreement on price..."as is" that we are both very happy with.
    BUT, he had a stipulation...if the equipment was able to be restored, and was not just used to part out, if the value was way more than his time, parts, etc...I had to take more. I declined.
    BUT, we came to a mutual agreement. If he makes a substantial profit, a donation to the scholarship fund from the school that this was all removed from, will be made!
    So, I drove up to Wilmington, Ohio today, and met Evan, K9sqg. After a 35min ragchewing, we parted ways and he is going to keep me updated on his findings and progress.
    What a great day! He has such a great heart for people! His mother is 101 and he is a caregiver to his wife! It was an honor to meet him!!

    I was many ways today!!!

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