Well made a nice load yesterday,prices are a little down from last month. #2 copper was down a nickle to 2.30, Lead = .30,brass and radiators both 1.60,Aluminum down 4 cents to .42 copper coils 1.15,Chopper wire was down a nickle to .40,Cans were down .2cents to .48,compressors still .14,batteries and electric motors still .20. I had a real good mixed load had almost 1300 on light stuff,my yard calls it tin. i thought i did rather well, came home with over 200 more than i left the house with. Just didnt have the space to keep hanging on to it. The guy i normally deal with wasnt there, He knows my health problems so he is real good about getting a couple guys to help me unload the non iron items, the crew they had yesterday didnt do nothing but lean on the rail and watch. My wife usually rides over with me but she had a friend sick in the hospital to tend to,had to fly solo, which probably saved me from having to go to walmart and spend my money LOL. i did get a real treat on the way home, Pascuals Tamales makes a Mufflata Salami,ham,provilone,swiss and olive salad on a bun. I ate the whole thing on the way home,couldnt wait. been a couple years since i had one. After i got back, me and my Dad went cruising thru the Refuge scoping out a few fishing holes,saw a few deer, one coon,a squirrel and a real nice size Soft Shell turtle, it really wasnt what i would call eating size,but a good size turtle for sure. Stopped and talked to a fellow we know, watched him and his kid pull out a couple nice catfish. So all in all it was a day to be real thankful for. Went and ran the fish nets this A.M. had 35 Buffalo, one yellow cat. Been working around the house clearing some clutter, guess i'll have a load for the consignment shop next week. well breaks over back to cleaning,ya'll take care.